A New Wardrobe

May 9th, 2009. Filed under: Sewing on Saturday.

I’ve figured out how to get a bunch of new clothes in your closet without spending any money.  I stumbled across this by accident.  Literally.  I was moving stuff around while searching through my stash of UFO’s.  Not the alien ships.  UnFinished Objects.  Those are similar to PIGs which are Projects In Bags, except I keep my stash in Rubbermaid bins with lids. 

After taking the lid off the bin I stumbled over, I discovered lots of clothing that could be used to refresh my wardrobe.  Free.  All it costs is a bit of time and effort mending and doing some simple alterations.  I have no idea how long some of these brand new clothes have been in that bin waiting on an easy alteration to make them fit properly. 

Not only are we living in sorry economic times, I’ve also been working at becoming debt free.  That means that I have not purchased any new items of clothing for a couple years.  My last purchase was two pairs of New Balance shoes.  One thing a nurse learns is that it’s important to wear good shoes when your job keeps you on your feet a lot.  Oops.  Just remembered.  I have purchased some socks since then. 

Aside from those two purchases, my wardrobe has languished, becoming tired and drab.  So, I’ve taken the first step.  I now have a new dress and a new scrub uniform. After getting that bin emptied, my next goal will be to transform some of my fabric stash into more clothing.  I’m looking forward to my new summer wardrobe.

Confession time.  How many of you ignore mending and alterations?  Make a goal of taking care of one item of clothing each week.  You’ll be smiling when you see what’s happening inside your closet.

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