Happy Mother’s Day to My Mother

May 10th, 2009. Filed under: This & That.

My mother is no longer with me in body.  She died in 2002.  I didn’t lose her.  To me that sounds as if I don’t know where she is and need to go search for her.  She didn’t pass away.  That sounds as if she just blew by and is somewhere else around here.  I didn’t bury her.  We buried the ashes of the body she used to live in. 

Why is it so difficult to just say someone died?  Our culture has a lot of difficulty with that.  Is it fear?  Are we just too selfish to face reality?  Death happens.  It comes along with living. 

But my heart is not heavy.  Yes, I miss my mother.  I’m grateful for all she did for me and the values she taught.  God knows that raising me was not an easy thing for her to do.  I was a stubborn, difficult child.  She did the best she could with what she had. 

But my mother is not lost.  In addition to the memories and photo’s, I know that we are only parted for a time.  Because my saviour lives, we, too live.  My mother accepted Christ as the Son of God and her personal saviour.  Even though we are separated for a time, we will be together again, rejoicing and praising our God.

The words of this song say it all.  It’s based on Job 19:25.

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