Sewing Stash Update

January 31st, 2009. Filed under: Sewing on Saturday.

I wrote about my sewing goals in Sewing Stash Reduction, and now have an update for you.

  1. I have not purchased anything new, but need to get some aqua thread, red piping and navy bias tape next week.  Since all these are to complete works in progress, they don’t count against my goal of not adding to my stash.  The challenge will be to not purchase anything else while I’m in the fabric shop.
  2. I’ve managed to complete one UFO started two years ago and now in my gift box.
  3. I did not meet my goal of completing one Christmas ornament each month.  I will have to make two during February.  I received some crocheted ornament patterns for Christmas and was checking them out last night.  I want to make them all.  They are so cute.
  4. I’m doing very well with my decluttering and organizing of my former dungeon.  I gave up doing what I kept doing over and over without making any progress.  I was always starting on the same side of the room and seemed to get no where.  This month I started on the opposite side and have really been turning the dungeon into my sewing sanctuary.  I have been spending time at my machines and totally enjoying it.  In the midst of my cleaning and tossing I realized my room didn’t have to be perfect in order to sew.  I just had to be able to get to my machines.  I’m not sure if I’ll have the room turned around by Valentine’s day, but it won’t matter.  Now that I’m getting it dug out, it’s exciting enough to keep me going. 

How have you all been doing?  I know that there are other ladies out there who set a goal of cleaning out and organizing their sewing rooms.  Please share your progress with us.  Join in my excitement.

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