Pick 2 Day 7 Giveaway

May 7th, 2013

Each day for seven days I will be giving away books to celebrate my five year blogging anniversary. I will give you at least three books. I will give you links to reviews for these books. Read the reviews and pick two books that you would like to receive and leave me a comment. If you want an extra entry, link to my blog and leave a comment saying so.

There will be a random drawing seven days from the giveaway post. I will post the winner, but also you via email. I’m sorry, but due to the cost of postage I will have to limit the contest to U.S. addresses only.

Today’s books are a hodgepodge of historical fiction, contemporary fiction and contemporary romance.

Good Luck!

I’m On an Uninhabited Island. Now What?

May 7th, 2013

First posted April 23, 2008

I just ended up on an uninhabited island.  My sail boat was blown off course.  Way off course.  I’m lost.  I’m alone.  My boat crashed and drifted away.  The only thing I managed to salvage was a book that I had in my jacket pocket.  I could only wish that it had been Robinson Crusoe. That’s a book with a lot of practical advice for someone stranded on a lonely island.  What I do have instead is that  Worst-Case Scenario book that has already gotten me into some interesting situations.  It even got me out of some.  Maybe that will help me here.  I’m almost afraid to look.  Okay, here goes.

Here’s a section on how to survive in a jungle.  Well, some of this island looks pretty heavily wooded.  Maybe there’s something here to help me.  Find a river, make a raft and let the current carry me downstream.  I don’t think so.  I’ve been carried about in the water just as much as I can tolerate right now.  Being buffeted around in a sail boat was bad enough.  I’m not about to try it on a makeshift raft that will probably fall apart not long after it hits water.  I’m not exactly a carpenter.  Heck, I’m not even a DIY person.  I’m a person who sits in front of a computer and writes.  I could throw words at those two pieces of tarp (which I don’t happen to have), green brush, two large saplings and vines all day and they aren’t going to arrange themselves into a nice little raft.  Just wondering how I’m supposed to bring down those saplings.  I didn’t bring my chainsaw with me when I decided to take this nice little afternoon sail.  Maybe I’m supposed to uproot them.

I like the next section better.  It’s going to tell me how to find food and water.  It’s been a long time since breakfast.  If I don’t have the means to purify water (I don’t), then I’m supposed to find water vines (what’s that?) or banana trees.  I then proceed to either cut sections from the vines or cut down that tree with my imaginary axe.  I’m to drink water from rivers and streams only as a last resort when dehydrated and death is a certainty.  Wow!  I love this next sentence.  “Diarrhea will most likely result, so increase your water intake and keep moving.”  If I have diarrhea, I don’t think I’ll have any choice.  My body will keep moving!

Next I’m told if I cannot peel it or cook it, don’t eat it.  Naturally, the book then goes on to tell me to eat insects, grubs and raw fish.  I can’t peel them and they obviously haven’t been cooked or they wouldn’t be raw.  I do get to pinch the heads off first.  I think I’m losing my appetite.  I’ve got to get out of this  jungle.

I can find my way out of this without a compass.  I can use the stick and shadow method.  I also need to put my watch on the ground and line up the hour hand with the stick.  I don’t think this will work since my watch wasn’t waterproof.  If I’d paid more attention in some of my classes, I would know about the North Star or the Southern Cross and be able to use basic astrometry .  Or if it quits raining so hard I can tell which way the clouds are moving.  They generally move from west to east.  Don’t you like that word “generally”?  Most people going out for a little sail generally don’t end up on a deserted island.  What are the odds that my clouds will be going the general direction?  Then there’s the good ole moss method.  Hey, I was in scouts for 12 years.  I know that moss grows on the north side of trees and rocks.  I know which direction I am going.  Or maybe not.  This book has the nerve to tell me that this method is not infallible.

It’s dark and I’m tired.  I can’t deal with this much longer.  I’m never stepping foot on a sail boat again.  All I want to do is lie down and sleep for awhile.  I’m going to pile up a bunch of brush over there under that little overhang and take a nap.  I’ll have to read the rest of this book later.  So far today, I’ve learned a bunch of things to do to survive, but haven’t been able to do them.  Maybe when I wake up.  I hope there aren’t any wild animals roaming around this place.  Right now I’m just too wiped out to care.  I’ll take you with me when I wake up and get moving again.

When a Secret Kills

May 7th, 2013

When a Secret Kills

Lynette Eason

In the spine-tingling conclusion to her explosive Deadly Reunion series, Lynette Eason once again treats readers to a tale of secrets that need to be told and dangers that need to be faced.

Investigative reporter Jillian Carter knows it’s time to put the past to rest. She’s tired of looking over her shoulder, letting a killer go free. She’s no longer the scared kid who changed her name and disappeared. Now, no matter what the cost, Jillian must do what she is trained to do-ferret out the truth and expose it. Senator Frank Hoffman committed murder ten years ago-and Jillian watched it happen.

Didn’t she?

Not even the enigmatic and attractive Colton Brady, her ex-boyfriend and nephew of the killer, will be able to make her leave this alone. Get ready for a ride that will make you afraid to be home alone.


The three friends are reunited, but the danger is still present. Their secret keeps killing, and it’s time to find the killer.

Ms Eason has given us another nail biter. The adrenalin just keeps pumping through the entire book.

Every time you think you have it figured out, you don’t. The body count just keeps rising as everyone tries to keep Jillian safe.

This book isn’t just about a mystery. It’s mysteries buried inside other mysteries with romance tossed in the mix. That’s not all. You’re going to need that box of tissues.

***A special thank you to Donna Hausler.***

Lynette Eason is the bestselling author of several romantic suspense novels, including When the Smoke Clears, When a Heart Stops, and the Women of Justice series. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. She has a master’s degree in education from Converse College and she lives in South Carolina. Find out more at www.lynetteeason.com.

Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, offers practical books that bring the Christian faith to everyday life.  They publish resources from a variety of well-known brands and authors, including their partnership with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and Hungry Planet.

Available May 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Pick 2 Day 6 Giveaway

May 6th, 2013

Each day for seven days I will be giving away books to celebrate my five year blogging anniversary. I will give you at least three books. I will give you links to reviews for these books. Read the reviews and pick two books that you would like to receive and leave me a comment. If you want an extra entry, link to my blog and leave a comment saying so.

There will be a random drawing seven days from the giveaway post. I will post the winner, but also you via email. I’m sorry, but due to the cost of postage I will have to limit the contest to U.S. addresses only.

Today’s books are suspense.

Good Luck!

Does Your Cat Flush?

May 6th, 2013

First published April 21, 2008

I recently read an advertisement that cracked me up.  It was for the Cat Genie, the world’s only self-flushing, self-washing cat box.  It even looks a bit like a small toilet. This is an ingenious cat box for those who love cats but hate cat boxes.  It is supposed to be litter, odor, germ, dust, and work free.  Instead of cat litter, this device uses “washable granules.”  Okay, so who gets to wash those little babies?  You do, of course.  You didn’t really expect the cat to do it, did you?  But once you get this baby all set up and hooked into your cold water line, all you have to do is push a button.  Well, not quite.  You have to also hook it up to the toilet or laundry drain and plug it in.

Now you can push the button or preset it to start cleaning automatically.  The liquids drain through the granules and solid waste gets scooped.  Hold on!  You don’t have to do the scoop.  It has a built in pooper scooper.  After those little goodies get scooped, they are liquified and down the drain they go.  Now the washable granules get washed, scrubbed, scoured and blow dried for your cat’s comfort.

Doesn’t this sound like something you want to own?  It’s easy.  It’s also an amazing bargain. All you have to do is fork over $269 for the Tabby Package or $369 for the Tuxedo Package if you have a high class, high maintenance feline.  And then you never have to buy another thing.  Oops.  Not quite right.  You need to buy the SaniSolution.  You can get it as a single pack for $25.99, a 2 pack for 43.99 or a combo pack of 2 SaniSolution cartridges and 1 box of granules for $63.00. What happened to that .99.  See how much you can save?  Don’t forget the granules.  They’re $23.99 for a 3.5 lb box.  But it’s worth it, isn’t it?  You want your cat to feel pampered and have a clean tush.  I wonder when they’ll invent a cat bidet?

More Than Conquerors

May 5th, 2013

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,

nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:37-39

Pick 2 Day 5 Giveaway

May 5th, 2013

Each day for seven days I will be giving away books to celebrate my five year blogging anniversary. I will give you at least three books. I will give you links to reviews for these books. Read the reviews and pick two books that you would like to receive and leave me a comment. If you want an extra entry, link to my blog and leave a comment saying so.

There will be a random drawing seven days from the giveaway post. I will post the winner, but also you via email. I’m sorry, but due to the cost of postage I will have to limit the contest to U.S. addresses only.

Today’s books are inspirational fiction.

Good Luck!

What Do I Do About All These People?

May 5th, 2013

First posted April 17, 2008

I’ve been reading more from The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel.  If seems as if one can get into an incredible amount of trouble with the people encountered while traveling. It does not seem implausible that one can be in the wrong place at the wrong time and end up in the midst of a riot.  There’s so many of them going on around the world these days.

So here I am peacefully walking through Tiananmen Square and the students decide to riot again.  How am I going to get out of this mess?  Advice for this is “Plan to leave the country quickly.”  I would like to, but how do I get out of the middle of this riot so that I can leave the country?  I’m getting advice here that assumes I’m in my hotel room rather than in the midst of this riot.  I’m being told to wear muted tones.  Well too late.  Spring’s in the air so I decided to wear my Hawaiian shirt out on my stroll through the square.  I’m advised to exit through windows, vents, the roof or where ever I can to avoid the mobs and gunfire.  Hello!  I’m in the middle of the mob and here come the military with their guns and other weapons that could injure me big time!  Also, I should leave as a group.  How does a solitary tourist morph into a group?  How about this next tidbit? Do not run as walking is harder for the eye to detect. Also, running may generate excitement.  I don’t think there can be any more excitement generated among this mob.  They’re already at fever pitch and running around like crazy.  I’m not sure I can walk.  I want to run.  The adrenalin is already running high, and besides, I now need to find a bathroom or I’m going to pee my pants.  That’s called FEAR!

This book tells me if I need to travel by car that I should be prepared for evasive maneuvers.  I also know what to do now if my car is hit by a Molotov cocktail.  Well, I’m not in a car. I’m still on foot here in this square which I now wish I had decided not to visit.  What if one of those cocktails hits my body instead of the car I wish I had at the  moment?  I think I may need a good strong cocktail to drink right now, but no one seems interested enough to hand me one in all this bedlam.  “Get to an embassy or to the airport as soon as possible.”  I wish I could.  GET ME OUT OF THIS MOB!  Oh, Shit!  Now some of them have grabbed me and have decided to hold me hostage.

That’s okay.  The next section is about how to survive a hostage situation.  I wonder if they’ll let me use the bathroom?  First piece of advice – stay calm.  Okay, okay.  I’m calm now.  This book also reminds me that hostage takers are extremely nervous and scared.  More than me?  If shots are fired I’m supposed to keep my head down and drop to the floor.  No problem there.  That gun is pointed at me.  I think I will drop without any effort on my part.  No sudden or suspicious moves such as trying to hide your wallet, passport or belongings.  They already have my wallet, passport and contents of my backpack (which has already been tossed out the window of a speeding car).  Comply with all demands.  No problem there.  Never look at a terrorist directly.  They’re terrorists? I thought they were angry, crazed students.  The blindfold takes care of this.  “Carefully observe the characteristics and behavior of the terrorists.”  I just told you I have a blindfold on!  Be more observant here.  “If a rescue team enters, get down and stay still.”  How am I going to know if the people storming through the door are part of a rescue team?  I still have that scratchy blindfold on.  Does this mean I don’t get to go to the bathroom yet?

I’m skipping the section on how to pass a bribe.  These people already took everything I own.  Same goes for how to foil a scam artist.  I no longer have anything to scam.

Okay, the rescue squad is through the door and apparently the terrorists are dead or vaporized.  Someone’s removing my blindfold.  Holey, Moley!  I’ve been rescued by aliens who want to abduct me.  No problem.  What does my handy, dandy little book tell me about how to get out of this one?  “Do not panic.”  Don’t worry.  Fear has me paralysed.  “Control your thoughts.”  Is this some kind of cruel joke?  My thoughts are controlling me.  There’s only one thought running through my mind right now.  Enquiring minds want to know.  Are you sure you want to know what that one thought is?  You asked for it.  “Now I’ve really got to pee!”  Then I’m supposed to resist verbally.  How about this?  “I will not go with you unless you let me go to the bathroom first.”  Next thing on the list is to resist mentally by putting myself in a protective shield of white light or a safe place.  I’m going to my safe place, my sunny island with all the gentle breezes.  Next I’m told to resist physically.  I don’t have to.  I just peed my pants and ET’s leaving in disgust.

Pick 2 Day 4 Giveaway

May 4th, 2013

Each day for seven days I will be giving away books to celebrate my five year blogging anniversary. I will give you at least three books. I will give you links to reviews for these books. Read the reviews and pick two books that you would like to receive and leave me a comment. If you want an extra entry, link to my blog and leave a comment saying so.

There will be a random drawing seven days from the giveaway post. I will post the winner, but also you via email. I’m sorry, but due to the cost of postage I will have to limit the contest to U.S. addresses only.

Today’s books are devotional and Bible study.

Good Luck!

Worst-Case Scenario

May 4th, 2013
First posted April 10th, 2008

I’ve been traveling through the Worst-case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht. Oh, my gosh!  A disclaimer at the very beginning tells us not to attempt to undertake any of the advice offered therein.  What to do?  Consult a professionally trained expert.  I’m sure I’m going to remember that when I’m out in the middle of some desert trying to control a runaway camel. (Hold onto the reins, but do not pull back.  Pull hard to the side so that the camel will run in a circle.  When he gets tired and sits down, jump off.) Why was this book written?  I guess so people like me will buy the book before reading the disclaimer (not that I’m sure I ever want to be in any of these very interesting situations).

The section on how to stop a runaway passenger train is interesting.  Essentially, you locate the emergency brake and pull the handle.  Of course, there’s a possibility of that act causing a train derailment.  I’m sure that somewhere in this handy, dandy little book is a section that tells what to do in case of a train derailment.  I couldn’t find that section, but on page 73, it tells how to jump from a moving train.  I guess you’d better jump fast and wide before it stops moving and falls over on you.  Or maybe, if you think and act quickly enough, you can jump from the side away from the fall.  Do you really have all that much notice before a train derails?  None of the trains I’ve been on have derailed.

It must be safer to travel by plane.  Oops.  Here’s a section on how to crash land a plane on water.  The first thing you do is take your place at the controls (if you can get past security and the barricaded door to the cockpit), put on the radio headset and call for help.  Can’t you just hear that helppppppp as you’re making a nosedive towards the water? Then it starts to get technical.  Forget that, baby.  Put on your life-jacket, open the door and jump before your big bird makes a big splash.

Maybe you prefer to travel more sedately.  Even a car is not all that safe.  Not only can you have a runaway camel or a runaway train, you can also have a runaway car.  How do you stop a car with no brakes?  The first thing this book tells you to do is pump the brakes.  What brakes?  I thought the car had no brakes.  Oh, I see.  You might be able to build up enough pressure in the braking system to slow the thing down a bit.  My car is careening out of control, my leg feels like it’s going to fall off from pumping the brakes that aren’t there and the next thing you tell me is “Do not panic.”  Yeah, sure.  I darned well will panic unless I’ve figured out how to get out of the seat belt/shoulder harness contraption, get the door unlocked and jump from a moving car!

Another bit of advice is to pull the emergency brake – but not too hard.  That is, unless you’re running out of room and need to try a “bootlegger’s turn.”  Then you have to “yank the emergency brake hard” while making a quarter turn to whichever way is safer.  Hurry, choose between the cliff edge on your right or the traffic speeding towards you on your left.  If you’re running out of room because that Sunday driver in front of you is blissfully unaware that you are coming up behind him like a speeding bullet, you can try to get his attention by honking or flashing your lights.  If it’s some little old man that’s been driving along with his turn signal blinking for the last 30 minutes, I don’t think you’ll be able to get his attention.  Just run into him and that will slow you down.  If there’s no car in front of you, look for something to help stop you.  Maybe there will be a cow in the middle of the road, or a herd of goats crossing to the other side.  Step 10 and last in the advice regarding runaway cars is “If none of the above steps has enabled you to stop and you are about to go over a cliff, try to hit something that will slow you down before you go over.”  There it is.  I see something I can hit before I go over the cliff.  It’s the guardrail.  Oh, crap!  There’s a big hole there where the last car hit it while driving over the cliff.

Okay, I’ve found something that has to be safer.  A horse!  Only they also have a tendency to run away.  If you’re old enough, you’ve seen a few westerns.  There’s at least one runaway involved, usually a stagecoach or a lady driving a horse and wagon.  I don’t know what you’re supposed to do if you’re in one of those, so just saddle up and ride the animal.  Then when he decides to runaway, just hold on tight to the saddle with your hands and thighs.  I wonder why I’m not supposed to hold onto the reins and try to rein in the beast.  Read further, Nancy.  Read further.  Oh, I do get to hold onto the reins, but with only one hand so I can get a death grip on the saddle horn with the other.  If for some reason you got crazy and decided to ride bareback, don’t waste your time trying to find a saddle horn to grab.  Grab the horse’s mane.  Now alternately tug and release the reins with a medium pressure.  I know you’re in the middle of a good panic, but don’t wimp out and not pull hard enough.  Definitely do not pull too hard.  You could cause the horse to stumble or lose his balance.  You have to know what’s coming next.  That sucker is going to fall over and you’re not going to have time to get your foot loose and figure out how to jump from a moving horse without doing a great deal of damage to yourself.  And if you can’t figure that out and execute the maneuver in a couple seconds, you’re going to end up with a large beast falling on top of you.  I don’t even want to think about those sound effects.  Of course, you can do what you would do if you were on your runaway camel.  Pull the reins to one side so the horse will go in a circle.  When he starts to either slow down or get dizzy and stagger, dismount immediately and get the heck out of Dodge!

I’ve been thinking about going to Miami to visit my friend, Sue.  I wonder how long it would take to walk there.