Gecko Poop

May 28th, 2008. Filed under: Wednesday's Wonders.

Here on the island we love our geckos.  People who live in Florida, the Caribbean and other warm climates are very familiar with these little lizards.  They are most everywhere down here.  If you happen to be out on the lanai and see the leaves of one of your plants start moving, you don’t have fairies doing a little dance in there.  It’s just a gecko or two scurrying around.  They are quick little guys.  If you make a movement, your gecko will first freeze in it’s tracks.  As long as you stay still, the lizard will stay still.  Forget it.  You can’t out wait that lizard.  It just won’t move until you move first.  Then it takes off at the speed of greased lightening.   It doesn’t matter if it’s the floor, wall or ceiling.  These little guys will be exploring it.  If you’re interested in the technical stuff about how they are able to defy gravity, check it out here.

Geckos are good entertainment on a quiet summer evening.  I saw the cutest little baby today.  It’s body was about an inch long and the tail another inch.  It hasn’t learned the “don’t move and no one will see me” trick yet.  This baby had the funniest run.  It almost looked like a little hop.  If they were cats, we’d say they are good “mousers.”  But they aren’t cats, so I guess we just have to say they’re good “buggers.”  They keep our insect populations down.  There you have it – entertainment and mosquito repellent in one cute little package.  And when it gets too dark outside, you can go in, turn on the tube and see the Geico gecko.  Try saying that fast ten times.

Now that I’ve given you the poop on geckos, I’d like to give you the gecko poop.  We don’t mind the little critters in our houses, but we really would like to do without the gecko poop.  We haven’t been able to get them house trained.  Heck, they don’t even need a gecko door.  They can just get out the same little crack they came through to get in.  They just don’t care to even be paper trained.  We can find gecko poop in all kinds of places.  At least it’s not something big to step in and it doesn’t smell up the place.  It just looks strange.  It’s two toned black and white.  How about that! Integrated gecko poop.  Maybe there’s a message there for us.

1 Response to Gecko Poop

  1. kailani

    My sister is absolutely terrified of geckos. Too bad they’re so common around here! LOL!

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