The Master Song

September 1st, 2014. Filed under: Monday's Musings.

Blue Time


By Andrew Maloney

On a cold, stormy evening in Ireland, five teenagers suddenly find themselves lost, separated, and unprepared for a dangerous quest “beyond the Veil” into Morsden Forest, a secret world hidden from ours. There they must learn to grow, learn to trust, learn to fight, learn to sacrifice, and learn to love in order to rediscover the first of seven lost jewels that contain the ancient verses of The Master Song.

Together with a myriad of the Awakened—humanlike animals and plants—they will battle wild beasts, wraithlike doppelgangers, and an evil power nearly as ancient as creation itself.

Will they stand strong and discover the virtues they have within themselves? Or will they, too, fall to the Corrupted?


I wasn’t sure about this book when I started reading it. I don’t read many fantasies, but now I can’t wait to read the next verse in this song. Thank you, Mr Maloney.

An old lady and five kids lost in the woods and no one else is home to even miss them. Except they’re more that just lost. They’ve entered some kind of time warp or something.

Any way, they’re split up in this very unique place with some very unique inhabitants – some of whom aren’t very friendly. And not only that – this is no camp out in an RV.

They have to figure out how to survive while trying to find each other and get back home. They have to deal with unfriendly plants, animals and evil personified. But the Blue Time of the day brings hope of eventually everyone getting back home. There are likely to be tears at the end, so keep that box of tissues handy.

***A special thank you to Cathy Hickling for providing a review copy.***

Andrew Maloney grew up in the backseat of a car, traveling across the States and abroad with his healing evangelist parents. It gave him lots of time, staring out the window, to come up with some fantastic ideas for stories.

He graduated from the University of North Texas with an arts degree in writing and has ghostwritten and edited more than a dozen nonfiction books. Along with the next novel in the Blue Time series, he is currently writing a sequel to his first fiction book, The Elementalists.

2 Responses to The Master Song

  1. Nova

    Thanks Nancy! I’ve added this to my wish list 😀

  2. Nancy

    Thanks, Nova. I’m really looking forward to the rest of the books in the series.

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