Consumer Man Came Through

November 3rd, 2008. Filed under: Monday's Musings.

What a guy!  We’ve been working jobs on opposite sides of the state for about seven weeks now.  With the economy down in our neck of the woods, it was rough for him to find a job that paid enough to pay all his bills.  It wasn’t an easy decision, but mutually, we decided that he was going to have to go back to his job at a hospital on the other side of the state until he could get a better grip on the finances.  Now that the economy nationwide is taking a nosedive, I’m glad he’s at a job that both pays well and that he likes.  That’s a good combination.  Of course, the downside is that we once again have a commuter relationship. 

Saturday night when I came home from work, I went to the mailbox before dragging into the house.  Included amongst all the miscellaneous campaign ads, bills and other junk mail I discovered a large greeting card envelope addressed in Consumer Man’s handwriting.  I had forgotten that I had a birthday coming up in a couple days. 

Now, receiving a card from Consumer Man is a rather momentous occasion.  I’ve probably received less that a half dozen cards from him in the 15 years of our relationship.  He just doesn’t think cards are all that important.  He comes from a different cultural background than mine, so that’s just one of our differences that I’ve come to accept.  I didn’t say I was crazy about it.  Just that I’ve learned to accept it.  My side of the family had the opposite outlook.  I know I’ve spent many hours over the years looking at cards, trying to find the words that were just right for the recipient. 

That’s why a card in the mail from Consumer Man lifted my spirits so much Saturday night.  It’s a beautiful card.  Both the words and the lovely flowers adorning the front.  It said just the right things.  It said all that I hoped was hidden in Consumer Man’s heart.  We’re not even close to being newlyweds, but when the words are right, the heart still soars.  Thank you, Consumer Man.  I love you, too.

5 Responses to Consumer Man Came Through

  1. Nova

    Happy Birthday Nancy!
    and many more.

  2. Nancy

    Thank you.

  3. Liz

    Hello. Consumer Man Came Through was very well written.

  4. Michael

    Hi there. Consumer Man Came Through was very well written.

  5. Nancy

    Well, Jack, it wasn’t really a problem. Maybe you need to read the article again.

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