Why the World Series?

October 29th, 2008. Filed under: Wednesday's Wonders.

I just read a New York Times breaking news release about the World Series.  The Tampa Bay Rays did not win, but heck, they actually made it to the series.  That’s a good thing.  But that’s not the thing that puzzles me.  Why do they call these games the World Series?  The world has nothing to do with it.  It’s always U.S. teams playing U.S. teams.  I think there’s still one Canadian team included, but that just makes it North American baseball.  It’s still not the world. Baseball isn’t just played in the United States and Canada.  I know it’s played in Japan, Cuba, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.  I’m sure there are other places.    Wikipedia gives the explanation for it being called the World Series, but I still think it’s rather pretentious of one country to declare themselves champions of the world when the world hasn’t even been invited to participate in the games.

What do you all think of this idea?  Am I way out in left field or did I just hit a home run?

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