Surprise Mommy

November 10th, 2008. Filed under: Monday's Musings.

Today we have another guest post written by one of my flybaby friends, Satoyna.  She’s had her world turned upside down this past year and a half.  Read why.

This is for all you “surprise parents” out there.  The “surprise” you ask?  It would be a parent with a 14 and 10 year old, and counting down the days/years for them to attend college. It’s a parent looking forward to empty-nesting with your husband when lo and behold, you find out you are pregnant and starting all over!  And 2 weeks before heading to Jamaica, no less!  I must say THAT was not on the to-do list.  After getting over the initial shock (which, in my case, lasted until last week and my baby is now 7 months old)  the planning starts. 

Notice, I mentioned my youngest who was my “baby” is 10 years old.  So, nothing in my house was fit for a baby.  To top it off, this baby took me through the ringer and back.  I was 37 years old and reduced to “riding the cart” in the grocery store because she laid on my sciatic nerve for nearly 5 months.  I felt like a senior citizen having a baby.  I had to keep reminding myself that “babies are a blessing”.  I am thankful for the multiple baby showers held for me and baby Aloni.  It helped to get things that we were going to need. We were starting from scratch again.  All previous baby items had been sold or given away.  She came 3 weeks early and on a day least expected.  Her 4 month old cousin died from SIDS earlier that morning, and her arrival was traumatic as well.  My placenta ripped away from the uterus and she lost a lot of blood and oxygen for nearly 2-3 minutes before we were whisked away for an emergency caesarean section.  She remained in the neonatal intensive care unit for her entire hospital stay — a week.  She went to her pediatrician weekly for her first month and progressed beautifully.  I am proud to say that Aloni is nearly 8 months old and from the looks of her you would not know how traumatic her delivery was. 

Although having a baby was not anywhere on my list, I would not trade her for the world!!  Some of my friends joke and say that when Aloni heads off to school on the bus, the daily senior citizen’s activity bus will be following right behind to pick up me and my husband.  My wish was that she was born while I was still 37 years old; her original due date was the day before my 38th birthday.  She listened to mommy and came 3 weeks early!

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