Doctors Ban Births

October 24th, 2008. Filed under: Finance & Fitness Fridays.

Well, they would ban home births if they could.  In May the American Medical Association passed a resolution supporting state laws that discourage home births.  The national obstertricians’ group also opposes the practice.  I suppose they are having conniption fits over the latest trend of unassisted childbirth known as freebirthing.  Not even a midwife is invited to this party.

A growing movement of women in the US and in the UK are defying medical advice and choosing to give birth with no drugs, no midwife and absolutely no medical support. Supporters claim it’s how having a baby was always meant to be.  Yep.  Just drop that baby in the field or next to the ironing board, and keep on picking or ironing those shirts.  Not being in a hospital or having any medical professionals present at the birth is not all there is to freebirthing. No drugs means no pain medication.

The Discovery Health Channel premiered a documentory, Freebirthing, on Oct. 21 and will air this program again on Saturday, Oct. 25.  Tune in if you’re among the hardy and learn a little more about this practice.

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