The Library is a Dangerous Place

April 1st, 2008. Filed under: Tuesday's Tempting Reads.

I make frequent trips to our local library.  I love just walking through the door and seeing all those wonderful books.  It boggles my mind to think of the number of authors who live there amidst all those words.  Very often I don’t take the time to linger.  I’m usually running through a list of errands and not allowing myself sufficient time to actually enjoy the library.  I use our library’s internet system to request books and go pick them up when I receive an e-mail telling me they are ready for pickup at the branch near my home.  Last week I made a stop to return some DVD’s and pick up books that were waiting for me. 

This time I got into trouble right after I walked in the door.  There’s a four-sided rack there which holds books for sale.  Usually I can walk past with only a glance (okay, a glance at all sides), but I got caught up before I realized it.  I walked out of there with the three books that were on hold for me, plus I bought ten more.  Hey, they all cost less than eight dollars, so I didn’t clean out the bank account, but the reason I use the library is because it’s unsafe for me to go to a bookstore.  I’m trying to pay down debt and that’s not going to happen if I’m in a huge room full of books that want to come home with me.  I’m going to have to suck up the will power before I go back in there tomorrow.  No, I didn’t get all those books read yet, but I received another one of those e-mails telling me I have another book waiting to be picked up.  A bit scary, isn’t it?

My library purchase included three stitchery and craft idea books (visions of making all my Christmas gifts this year.)  Some of the books which leaped off that rack and into my waiting arms were in the realm of health care.  That includes a book on reflexology, one on homeopathic remedies, Eating Well for Optimum Health by Dr. Andrew Weil and one called The Diabetes Food & Nutrition Bible. Also in the food category was a cookbook from Carnival Cruise Line.  How could one resist that?  The last two books are Living the Lord’s Prayer and one called The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel.  Now that one looks a bit funky.  When I flipped through it a few of the things I encountered was how to stop a car with no brakes, how to ram a barricade, and how to survive a volcanic eruption.  Don’t worry, I’ll share some of these fun things with you.  Tell me what you want me to share first. 

Now I wonder what’s going to happen when I walk through those magical library doors tomorrow.

2 Responses to The Library is a Dangerous Place

  1. Nova

    so how do you stop a car with no brakes?

    nice page Nancy

  2. » Blog Archive » What Do You Read?

    […] word, I will read it.  I keep my local library busy with all my requests, but have learned how dangerous a place it can be when I walk through the door.  I try to avoid book stores.  I can spend all […]

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