What Would Audrey Do?

September 30th, 2008. Filed under: Tuesday's Tempting Reads.

Audrey Hepburn.  The epitome of grace and style.  Pamela Keogh guides us through timeless lessons for living with grace and in the style of Audrey.  She presents Audrey as a role model for women of all ages.  I was a young teen when Audrey’s hit movie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, was the rage with all the girls I knew.  I wanted to be Audrey, and if I couldn’t be Audrey, I would settle for being Holly Golightly.  Holly wasn’t really anything at all like Audrey, but she was exciting and glamorous.  How very much more glamorous was the real Audrey! 

Throughout this book, Pamela gives us the rules that Audrey lived by.  Each chapter has a section “Would Audrey…” which speculates on what Audrey would do if presented with some of today’s situations.  And as always, the answer is an action of grace and style.  This book has the reader wanting to rise above the pettiness of so much of our life and fill ourselves, our lives and our surroundings with graceful simplicity.  This is definitely a guide book unlike any others.  But then, it is based on a woman unlike any other.  Read the stories behind the style and grace that was and is Audrey.

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