The Bittersweet Return
September 18th, 2008. Filed under: Thursday's Travels.Don’t ever believe them! My computer came home today. As I was hooking everything up I was happily thinking about how nice it would be to have my computer functioning well again. I turned it on and set about getting my icons in place and everything the way I wanted it. Then I was checking for a file. It wasn’t there. I was told by the computer shop that I didn’t have to download my files and programs. Everything would be safe with them. They lied! Other than a few files saved under my documents and my e-mail folders, everything is gone. Hundreds of dollars and six years of work. Never believe them when they tell you your files will be safe. Always download it all before taking your baby in for a tune up or maintenance job. If you don’t, you might end up heart sick. It’s hard to type with tears in your eyes.
September 20th, 2008 at 06:20
[…] of my needlework files remain. You can read more about that in this post. This includes sewing, knitting, crochet, machine embroidery and all sorts of stuff missing. […]
September 23rd, 2008 at 15:41
That is absolutely sickening. Have you tried talking to a real computer guy to see if he can retrieve any of the files, folders, and programs that company lost? Sometimes they can do that.
September 25th, 2008 at 12:47
This was supposed to be a real computer guy. I took it to a supposedly reliable company. I called the company to see if they had saved my stuff somewhere that they still had access to it. I asked them don’t you even check out the computer to see where there are files to be saved and was told that I was the one responsible to tell them what all to look for. Anyway, it won’t happen again. The monitor decided to die on me yesterday. After several consults (not with the above company) I figured out that the problem this time was the monitor. I went out last night and bought a replacement, didn’t have the energy to go through all the mess of getting it hooked up until this morning. This one has built in speakers and that isn’t working yet, but everything else is good. I’ll work on the speakers later. If all else fails, I’ll just hook up my old speakers.