In the beginning

March 17th, 2008. Filed under: Monday's Musings.

a fellow life traveler decided to share thoughts along life’s pathway.  This is an invitation for you to share with me.  I plan to have this site up and running by April 1st.  I know that’s April Fool’s Day and that might be an appropriate way to start.  I am a rank amatuer when it comes to setting up and writing my internet site.  I welcome all comments and suggestions.  Currently I am trying to figure out the mechanics of the actual setup.  To show just what a beginner I happen to be, my hurdle right now is to get a different look to my home page.  WordPress and I are not close friends right now, but I do have hopes for the near future.

I will be touching on different subjects and have a theme for each day.

Monday’s Musings

Tuesday’s Tempting Reads

Wednesday’s Wonders

Thursday’s Travels

Finance & Fitness Fridays

Sewing on Saturday

Sunday Scriptures

 I would like to thank Jim at for his encouragement of this new blogger.  Please visit his site and enjoy his postings.

3 Responses to In the beginning

  1. Diane

    How exciting! And I’m the first commenter? I can’t wait to see what you post, in particular Tuesday’s Tempting Reads – naturally. I’m new to WordPress myself, having used Blogger for a couple years first. Good luck to you and welcome to blogging! Warning: it’s very addictive. 😉

  2. Becca

    Nancy, thanks for stopping by my blog from Stephanie’s place. You are right about doing it one plant at a time. We try to make a conscious effort not to allow new plants that have pretty much no use. Even if we don’t use the plant, I like to know that it does have a use to which I can turn in a pinch. Does that make sense?

    Consider yourself entered in the drawing!

  3. The winners of Hanks Holiday Handout #2 are… | My Investing Blog

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