Olympic Wardrobe Malfunction?

August 11th, 2008. Filed under: Monday's Musings.

The oldest man on the U.S. swim team is still on course for eight gold medals, but we question his judgment.  Our local newspaper showed a picture of Michael Phelps and Garrett Weber-Gale, a team mate, as they let out a victory cry.  The younger of the two displayed much more  maturity than Phelps, who chose to peel down his swim wear to expose his pubic area .  Is this “old man” of the team in the midst of a mid-life crisis and trying to prove he’s still got what it takes?  He can prove that by his swim record.  Should he not be interested in being a positive role model?  We don’t watch the Olympics with our children and grandchildren in order to view the depths to which our athletes can sink.  We watch to see the heights to which they can soar.  We don’t want to have to make excuses to our young people or the rest of the world for the behavior of our athletes.

3 Responses to Olympic Wardrobe Malfunction?

  1. olh

    OMG, you’re a moron.

  2. Nancy

    Thanks for stopping by, olh. I do realize that morality and setting positive examples for young people is not a priority for many. I don’t agree with you, but all opinions are valued.

  3. Nancy

    One more thought, olh. Morality and ethics aren’t necessarily a measure of intelligence.

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