Another Bow By Obama

November 16th, 2009. Filed under: Monday's Musings.

Obama’s low bow to the Japanese emperor Saturday is another low blow to the American people.  You would think after his bow to the King of Saudi, he might have learned just how inappropriate that is.  

This is the first time in the history of the United States that our president has shown subservience to another county.  Along with these bows and all the apologies for our country, it appears that Michelle Obama isn’t the only family member who is ashamed of her country.

Maybe this is another mistake we all have made.  After all, his first bow was brushed off as Obama just had to lean over to shake the hand of the king because the king was short.  Yep, the Japanese emperor is short.  That must be it.  Why would our president want to humiliate and humble us in the sight of the world?

You can see the bows that he made here.  Of course, I haven’t read the spin yet.  Maybe the White House will once again tell us that we can’t believe what we see.  I’m still wondering why he didn’t bow to any other heads of state.  What is the significance of those two?


You can read the entire story here.

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