A Taste of Fame

October 1st, 2009. Filed under: This & That.

Follow the Potluck Club Ladies into Their Biggest Catering Job
. . . On Reality TV!

Filled with feisty characters, friendship, and hilarity, book 2 in the beloved
The Potluck Catering Club series takes readers along for the ride to New York City


Authors Linda Evans Shepherd and Eva Marie Everson
love dishing up the stories of the six friends featured in their latest series The Potluck Catering Club—much to the delight of readers. “This is the way Christian fiction should be written,” one reader says. “No cardboard Christian cut-outs of sweet angelic women none of us can relate to. These women are real, just the kind of women I find in my own community.”


A Taste of Fame is the latest book in The Potluck Catering Club series and serves up more of what readers have come to love from these feisty characters and the hilarious antics they find themselves in—which takes them this time to the Big Apple for their first taste of fame:



A Taste of Fame by
Linda Evans Shepherd and

Eva Marie Everson

ISBN: 978-0-8007-3209-7

September 2009, $13.99


This book is a blast!  Can you imagine ending up on a reality show by accident?  That’s exactly what happened to the six friends and their Potluck Catering Club.  I like the way the authors present the story.  Each chapter is narrated by of one of the “potluckers.”  It’s a refreshing way to to not only get the entire picture, but also, to see  each lady’s take on the events.  Each person seems to have something going on in her life that is impacted by the need to run off to New York City for the show.  We are also treated to mystery in the midst of the various catering events. 

Even though this is not the first in this series of “potluck” books, it is a great stand alone read.  Of course, now that I’ve met all these ladies, I want to start at the beginning and work my way through all the books.  I want to know a little more about what makes them tick and the founding and growth of the Potluck Catering Club.  This book is worth every penny and more.  There is also a recipe section at the back of the book.  It’s worth as much as the novel, so you are actually purchasing two books for the price of one.  I’ve earmarked Evie’s Scalloped Potatoes and Lisa Leann’s Spanish Omelet for my next big cooking session.

2 Responses to A Taste of Fame

  1. Nova

    well shoot….I guess I really didn’t have enough books on my ‘need to get this’ list 🙂

  2. Nancy

    And you’ll have to check out all the other books in the Potluck Catering series. There’s a bunch of them, and I want them all!

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