Fall Has Arrived

September 23rd, 2009. Filed under: Wednesday's Wonders.

Yesterday was the first day of autumn, but I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that.  Here on the island, the temperature still is up in the low 90s.  Down here fall is just a little cooling from the summer.  I hear people talk about missing the change of seasons that they went through up north.  

Personally, I’m happy to give up the leaves falling off the tree season, the blustery snow season, the spring allergy season and the swimming pool season.  In exchange, I gave up leaf raking, snow shoveling, sneezing like a mad woman and chlorine green hair.  I don’t have to be cold, wear boots, slip, slide and fall.  I can go to the beach all year round, even if I do have to wear a wind breaker a couple months during the year. 

We do have seasons down here.  They’re just different seasons.  We have school bus season, snowbird season, road construction season and tourist season.  During each season, I can escape to my island, sit under the palms and watch the beauty of the waves in motion.  You all can enjoy your piles of colorful leaves while I enjoy my sun, sand, surf and colorful birds and rainbows.

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