Bloggy Giveaway

July 31st, 2008. Filed under: Contests & Giveaways.

Good morning and welcome to my sunny little island.  I’m a little late getting a posting up for the Bloggy Giveaway carnival, so I will be holding my drawing for the winner at 9:00 p.m. EST Sunday night, August 3rd.  I have books, magazines and leaflets covering various needlework and crafts.  This will be open to residents of the U.S.A. and will be how ever many books I can cram into a flat rate box.  Please go to my archives, read an article and then leave a comment telling me what article you read and what your two top areas of interest are such as, “I read Worst-Case Scenario and I’m interested in clothing construction and knitting.”  I have available books re: clothing construction, children’s clothing, knitting, cross stitch, fabric painting, quilting, crafts and more.

22 Responses to Bloggy Giveaway

  1. reeva

    I read trash to cash. I’m an avid recycler and I’d love to get some extra cash with these rough economic times. Every little bit helps.

    I actually enjoy deconstructing clothing that I get at thrift shops and making something “new” and custom for me or the kids 🙂 I’d love to learn to crochet 🙂

  2. Michele(CA)

    Hello! I just read the Family Tree post about the great book that I’ve now put on my list to of “Books To Read.” I love getting books and author recommendations so thanks so much!!!

    As for what I’m interested in, I’m EXTREMELY interested in Shabby Chic style decorating so any books that would have ideas for that would be fabulous!!! I would love to learn how to quilt!! I know how to crochet, but not very well. I’ve made several blankets but all in the same pattern because I have problems understanding the directions. If you have any books that are VERY, VERY detailed on how to make a blanket (not clothing) then I’d be interested in that, too. Actually, my sister just leant me her sewing machine, and I can’t remember how to sew. I’m dying to make some curtains for my apartment and other home decorating things so books on that topic would be fun, too!!

    Thanks for the great opportunity!! I LOVE books!!!


  3. Mary

    I read Bags and More Bags. I love to do just about any craft but plastic canvas, cross-stitch & sewing are my favorites.

  4. Sonya

    I was just going to pass this one by (especially since your sidebar only shows up on your homepage, so finding your archives took me a while…) but decided to poke around. And ended up subscribing!

    So, lets see, one of the posts I checked out was the Mittnz update. Wish I could knit, that project is right up my alley!

    I’m interested in clothing construction and knitting.

  5. Kathie

    I read about Speed Laces (might try that with my daughter) and the sand beautification process on your island. My interests are crochet and other needlework and/or sewing projects. Thanks for the chance to win. Visit mine at

  6. Debbie

    Hi. I read “How Many did you Say” and love the link to the site with the patterns for leftover yarn. I am interested in knitting and have a son who lives to tie-dye. Thanks. Great site.


    I enjoyed your posting on cruise ship nursing since we will be taking our first soon. Thanks for the contest

  8. Mrs. Sara

    I read “Laundry Mathematics.” I’m interested in knitting and quilting! Thanks for the giveaway!

    saharagreen at gmail dot com

  9. Rita A.

    I read High Class Garbage and found it interesting. I always thought a group of people had to stand at the garbage and sort things out to the proper item class. Which I think would be very tedious. I am going to investigate more about my local recycling program to which I put out every week in the recycle bin for pickup. Thanks for the chance and the info.

  10. Susan Taylor

    I read the article “CVS Bonus Time”…I shop their a lot so this was interesting. My interest..crafts, cross stitch, crochet

  11. Mom to 2 Boys

    I read How to Make Fleece Mittens. I like to use wool sweaters that I felt and sew into other things. Mittens would be a great thing to make for my boys! I am interested in clothing construction & children’s clothing. Thanks!

  12. Cristina

    “I’m On an Uninhabited Island. Now What?” posted on April 14, 2008. I love crafting. As a matter of fact I was having a conversation with my boyfriend last night that I have WAY too many craft interests. But I can’t seem to give any of them up. My top two hobbies by far are scrapbooking and photography, followed by crocheting and painting. lol

  13. Paula H

    I read Bags and More Bags. I save the Eco-bag to my favorites. I’ve been looking for a pattern. If you want some quick bags, you can make them out of old t-shirts. I googled it and found the instructions. They’re great for stuff like cereal but not great for heavy things like cans.

    My craft interest are sewing toys and upcycling clothes. Also kid crafts are great since I have 4.

  14. Suzie G

    I read about travel tips from a cruise ship nurse! I think they were really good. I think too many people assume that they won’t have any problems, they won’t run out of medication, if something terrible happens there will be doctors on board to handle anything…

    My interests are children’s clothing and children’s crafts. I know basic sewing skills and I also like cross stitching that isn’t too complicated.

  15. KJ

    Gecko Poop – You don’t have fairies doing happy dances…and I teach Voice and Drama.

    Thanks for including me AND for your generosity!

    kjmt42 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  16. Susan C

    I read the article Do Hard Things, which is a book I have been curious about. I love books on all subjects, especially women’s fiction and science nonfiction. I also like knitting and quilting books. I am subscribing to your blog!

  17. Joy @ Joy Of Desserts

    I read How Many Did You Say? and Never Not Knitting.

    I cross stitch and knit. I also dabble in quilting, crochet, and sewing.

  18. Karen

    I read CVS Bonus time because I love shopping at CVS! I like the category for Finance and Fitness Fridays;)

  19. Richelle F

    I read High Class Garbage. That is really interesting. Never knew they did it that way.
    I quilt and do a bit of cross stitch and sewing children’s clothing

  20. Molly Capel

    Trash to Cash. I am trying to get into sewing, and scrapbooking. I love all kinds of crafts.

  21. Audra Marie

    I enjoyed reading Sweeter Also Than Honey. 🙂 I love photography, paper crafting, regular crafting, cross stitching, would love to learn how to sew for and with my kids, quilt, etc. 🙂

  22. Carrie Reinold

    Keep up the good work. I enjoy your blog very much. Cross stitch is so pretty and easy.

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