The Absolute Best

July 22nd, 2008. Filed under: Tuesday's Tempting Reads.

God’s Absolute Best For You by D. James Kennedy, Ph.D. explores the relationship between law and grace.  Do believers need to obey the Ten Commandments?  Do the Ten Commandments still have a place in the 21st century.  Dr. Kennedy takes you step by step through the commandments in such a way that you search your heart, finding both convictions and the need to turn to a life of blessing and right-living.  What you discover is God’s absolute best for you.

Working through each commandment, Dr. Kennedy expands on just what is entailed in the commandment and why the commandment was given. Then one discovers what happens when God’s law is disregarded.  And logically, the book assists one in turning away from disobedience to obedience.

This is a good “chapter a day” book to be studied each morning when you’re  reading your Bible and communing with the Lord.  It’s easy to read, but don’t let looks deceive.  It has a lot of depth and can help you understand Scripture more thoroughly.

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