Denim Does It

May 2nd, 2009. Filed under: Sewing on Saturday.

I picked up some denim today from a freecycle donor, and have denim on the brain right now.  What do I want to do with it?  So many options. 

I’ve been thinking about shopping bags and hot mats for the home; tiny skirts or shorts for the toddler; purses of all sorts made from various sized jeans pockets; part of a crazy quilt square done up in lace and ribbons; place mats and napkins edged in red and white with a well placed patriotic embroidery motif; vest and skirts and jumpers; cute kitchen curtains edged in white cotton lace; bags for walkers and wheelchairs; organizers and scatter rugs; doll clothes and quilts. 

Every where I look, I can envision denim.  What have some of your denim projects been?  Did you use new or repurposed denim or both?  Share your ideas with us.

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