Tax Stimulus Check

June 20th, 2008. Filed under: Finance & Fitness Fridays.

Two days ago I received a notice that we are going to be receiving a tax stimulus check of $1,200.  I’m wondering why they are wasting so much money sending out these notices.  They could have just sent the check instead of the notice.  I’m thinking we as a country could come a lot closer to balancing the budget if we could only find someone interested in cutting the waste instead of promoting the pork.  I’m one of those people who got messed up with the direct deposit because I used Turbo Tax online.  I didn’t even pay them out of a refund.  Their payment was strictly separate.  I’m still waiting.  That check is going to build up the emergency fund and pay off most of my auto loan.  I’m getting impatient.  When am I going to be stimulated?

1 Response to Tax Stimulus Check

  1. Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

    Amen! There is so much money wasted on things such as those notices that no wonder there is so much frustration with government waste (paper, etc.).

    On another note…. on your comment about the bottle dryer turned baggie dryer.

    The bottle dryer is not dishwasher safe. I set it on the counter on dish towel and let the baggies dry there.

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