Mainly on the Mainland

April 17th, 2009. Filed under: Finance & Fitness Fridays.

I’ve spent a lot of time on the mainland this past week.  Since I need to be over all next week, I’ve decided to stay at one of the local inns.  It’s too much of a hassle to commute from the island on a daily basis.  I will only have sporadic access to a computer, and already am missing my daily web time.  I would like to have a laptop to carry along with me, but my goal is to lighten the debt load a bit before saving up for another computer. 

Next week involves orientation at a new venture, plus working at my main job on the weekends.  I’ve taken a prn position with a hospital on the mainland and anticipate working one night shift weekly.  Maybe I’ll work up to a couple nights eventually, but one night will help me a lot.  I’m going to be dividing my pay into thirds.  One for building up the emergency fund, one third for paying down debt and the final third will go into my “money pit” fund. 

The first thing on the list for that fund is painting my driveway.  It wasn’t at the top of my list until community management put it there.  Oh, well.  So goes life.

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