Even Obama Got Tired

March 16th, 2009. Filed under: Monday's Musings.

of the spending sprees of American International Group.  It’s very frustrating to taxpayers to see bailout and stimulus money used for parties and employee bonuses.  It’s even more irritating to those of us who are stuck with our 401k plans being “managed” by a company who has shown such a lack of concern regarding their investors.  I don’t understand the rationale behind a company rewarding the people who took them down the tubes. 

According to a news alert for The New York Times, Obama has instructed Timothy F. Geithner to “pursue every single legal avenue” to block bonuses to the ailing insurer’s executives.  It would have been advisable to have made sure there were restrictions laid down prior to giving AIG any more money.  It’s not as if their bailout party was a big secret.  Our government needs to quit giving handout after handout to companies who show no regret for not being financially responsible.  Instead, many companies who need to brush up on business management are being rewarded. 

And now they’re talking about stimulus plan #2.  No wonder so many individuals have financial problems.  They learn to play the entitlement game from our businesses and leaders.

Check out what Don’t Mess With Taxes had to say about this mess.

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