Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions!

January 1st, 2019. Filed under: This & That.


Do you make New Year’s resolutions? You shouldn’t. I quit making them years ago. I learned to make SMART goals. They’re much more attainable. this is something you should try. What makes them smart?

  • S – specific
  • M – measurable
  • A – actionable
  • R – realistic
  • T – timely

An example of a resolution – “I want to eat healthier this year.”

An example of a goal – “I will start reading nutrition labels each time I go grocery shopping.”

Try it. SMART is smarter.

2 Responses to Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions!

  1. Gene Desrochers

    Good idea. Another one I heard today was only engage with people (unless necessary for work or something) that you are excited to see. Drop the excess baggage by going through your calendar and seeing where you got the best value in relationships and schedule to see those folks now as your new year’s duty so that you’ll be seeing and engaging with interesting people throughout the year. There was more to it, but that’s what I remember.

  2. Nancy

    That’s a very good idea. I’ll have to incorporate that in my life.

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