Lucy’s “Perfect” Summer

May 25th, 2009


It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old…or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today’s Wild Card author is:
Nancy Rue

and the book:

Lucy’s Perfect Summer (A Lucy Novel)

Zonderkidz (May 1, 2009)


Nancy Rue has written over 100 books for girls, is the editor of the FaithGirlz Bible, and is a popular speaker and radio guest with her expertise in tween issues. She and husband Jim have raised a daughter of their own and now live in Tennessee.

Visit the author’s website.

Product Details:

List Price: $7.99
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: Zonderkidz (May 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310714524
ISBN-13: 978-0310714521


This book started out a little slow for me, but you have to realize that this book is written for tweens and not “old ladies.”  But it didn’t take long to get caught up in the story of Lucy and her soccer summer.  So much seems to be hanging in the balance for Lucy and her friends who thought soccer camp would be wonderful.  You’ll find yourself getting caught up in all the dilemmas, wondering what the outcome will be. 

I’m looking forward to seeing how my grandchildren like this book about “proper football.”  In most of the world soccer is called football and what we play here in the States is “American football.”  It’s a good book and interesting to see how Lucy copes and even triumphs in the end.



Why My Life Is Just About Perfect

School is out for the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucy would have made more exclamation points, but Lollipop, her pot-bellied kitty, was watching from the windowsill above the bed, her black head bobbing with each stroke and dot. She’d be pouncing in a second.

Lucy protected the Book of Lists with her other arm and wrote…

2. Aunt Karen is taking her vacation to some island so she won’t be coming HERE for a while. YES!!

3. We have a soccer game in two weeks, thanks to Coach Auggy. A for-REAL game, with a whole other team, not just our team split up, which is always lame since we only have 8 players to begin with. I cannot WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lollipop twitched an ear.

“Forget about it,” Lucy said to her. She’d only just discovered the joy of making exclamation points from Veronica. Veronica was a girly-girl, but she did have her good points. Lucy snickered. “Good points, Lolli. Get it?”

Lollipop apparently did not, or else she didn’t care. She tucked her paws under her on the tile sill and blinked her eyes into a nap. Lucy slipped a few more exclamation marks in before she continued.

I get to hang out with J.J. and Dusty and Veronica and Mora any time I want, not just at lunch or soccer practice or church. Okay, so I already got to hang out with them a lot before summer, but now it’s like ANY time, and that’s perfect. Except we’re still stuck with Januarie. If she weren’t J.J.’s little sister we could just ditch her, but she needs a good influence. We’re a good influence. Well, maybe not Mora so much.
Lucy glanced at her bedroom door to make sure it was all the way shut. The Book of Lists was private and everybody else in the house—Dad and Inez the housekeeper nanny and her granddaughter Mora—knew to keep their noses out of it. Still, she always had to decide whether it was worth risking discovery to write down what she really, really thought.

“What do you say about it, Lolli?” she said.

There was an answering purr, though Lucy was pretty sure that was more about Lollipop dreaming of getting the other three cats’ food before they did than it was about agreeing with her. She went for it anyway.

Januarie still thinks Mora is the next best thing to Hannah Montana. Even though Mora got her in way a lot of trouble not that long ago she would probably give a whole bag of gummy bears just to have Mora paint her toenails. And that’s saying a lot. Januarie loves gummy bears. And Snickers bars. And those chocolate soccer balls Claudia sells down at the candy and flower shop. Which reminds me—

5. We can go buy candy in the middle of the day, or have breakfast at Pasco’s café or take picnics to OUR soccer field, because, guess what? It’s SUMMER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something black whipped across the page, and Lucy’s pen flew into space, landing with a smack against the blue-and-yellow toy chest. Knocking down the ruler Lucy always kept there to hold it open, in case Lollipop needed to jump in and hide, the lid slapped shut, and Lolli sprang into an upside down-U before she leaped after it and skidded across the top with her claws bared. She glared indignantly at Lucy.

“You did it, Simplehead,” Lucy said. “Wait! I’ll open it for you.” But before she could even scramble off the bed, Lolli dove under it. A squalling fight ensued with Artemis Hamm, who had obviously been sleeping beneath the mattress.

“Break it up, you two!” Lucy said. But she didn’t dare stick her hand under there. One of them would eventually come out with a mouth full of the other one’s fur and it would be over.

“What’s going on in there?” said a voice on the other side of the door.

Lucy stuck the Book of Lists under her pillow. It was Dad, who couldn’t see anyway, but she always felt better having her secrets well hidden when other people were in the room.

“Come on in—if you dare,” Lucy said.

She heard Dad’s sandpapery chuckle before he stuck his face in. She cocked her head at him, her ponytail sliding over her ear. “What happened to your hair?”

He ran a hand over salt-and-pepper fuzz as he edged into the room. “I just got my summer ‘doo down at the Casa Bonita. Is it that bad?”

“No. It’s actually kinda cool.”

“What do I look like?”

“Like—did you ever see one of those movies about the Navy SEAL team? You know…before?”


“You look like one of those guys.”

“Is that good?”

“That’s way good.”

Dad smiled the smile that made a room fill up with sunlight. She could have told him he looked like a rock star and he wouldn’t have known whether she was telling the truth or not. But she liked for the smiles to be real, and she did think her dad was handsome. Even with eyes that sometimes darted around like they didn’t know where to land.

He made his way to the rocking chair and eased into it. It would be hard for anybody who didn’t know to tell he was blind when he moved around in their house, as long as Lucy kept things exactly where they were supposed to be. She leaned over and picked up her soccer ball, just escaping a black-and-brown paw that shot from the hem of the bedspread.

“Keep your fight to yourselves,” Lucy said.

“What’s that about?”

“Exclamation points! It’s a long story.”

“Do I want to hear it?”

“No,” Lucy said. Not only because she didn’t want to tell it, but because she could see in the sharp way Dad’s chin looked that he hadn’t come in just to chat about cat fights. She hugged her soccer ball.

“Okay, what?” she said. “Is something wrong? Something’s wrong, huh?”

“Did I say that?”

“Aunt Karen’s coming, isn’t she? Man! I thought she was going out in the ocean someplace and we were going to have a peaceful summer.” She dumped the ball on the floor on the other side of the bed.

Dad’s smile flickered back in. “What makes you think I was going to talk about Aunt Karen?”

“Because she’s, like, almost always the reason you look all serious and heavy.”

“You get to be more like your mother every day, Champ. You read me like a book.”

“Then I’m right.” There went her perfect summer. She was going to have to redo that list.

“But you’re in the wrong chapter this time,” Dad said. “I’m serious, but it isn’t about Aunt Karen. Last I heard, she was headed for St. Thomas.”

“He’s going to need to be a saint to put up with her.”

Dad chuckled. “St. Thomas is an island, Luc’.”

“Oh.” She was doing better in school now that Coach Auggy was her teacher, but they hadn’t done that much geography this year.

“I just want to put this out there before Inez gets here.”

His voice was somber again, but Lucy relaxed against her pillows. If this wasn’t about Aunt Karen coming here wanting to take Lucy home with her for the summer, how bad could it be?

“So, you know Inez will be coming for all day, five days a week.”

“Right and that’s cool. We get along good now.” Lucy felt generous. “I don’t even mind Mora that much any more.”

“Good, because I’ve asked her if she’d be okay with Mr. Auggy also coming in to do a little home-schooling with you.”

Lucy shot up like one of her own freaked-out kitties.

“School?” she said. “In the summer?”

Dad winced like her voice was hurting his ears. “Just for a few hours a day, and not on Fridays.”

“Dad, hello! This is summer time. I have a TON of work to do to get ready for the soccer games if I want anybody from the Olympic Development Program to even look at me. School work?” She hit her forehead with the heel of her hand. “Why?”

“You’ve improved a hundred per cent since Mr. Auggy started teaching your class—”

“Yeah, so why are you punishing me by making me do more work? I don’t get it.”

She wished she could make exclamation points with her voice.

“You’ll get it if you let me finish.”

Dad’s voice had no punctuation marks at all, except a period, which meant, ‘Hush up before you get yourself in trouble.’ Lucy gnawed at her lower lip. She was glad for once that he couldn’t see the look on her face.

“You ended the school year in good shape, but Champ, you were behind before that. That means you’re still going to start middle school a few steps back.”

“I’ll catch up, Dad, I promise! I’ll study, like, ten hours a day when school starts again and I’ll do all my homework.”

Dad closed his eyes and got still. That meant he was waiting for her to be done so he could go on with what he was going to say as if she hadn’t said a word. She was in pointless territory. It made her want to crawl under the bed and start up the cat fight again. It seemed to work for them when they were frustrated.

“Your middle school teachers are going to expect your skills to be seventh-grade level,” Dad said. “Right now, Mr. Auggy says they’re about mid-sixth, which is great considering what they were in January.”

If she had been Mora, she would have been rolling her eyes by now. What was the point in telling her how wonderful she was when she was going to have to do what she didn’t want to do anyway?

“So here’s the deal,” Dad said.

Lucy sighed. “It’s only a deal if both people agree to it, Dad.”

“You haven’t even heard it yet.”

She stifled a “whatever,” which was sure to get her grounded for a least a week of her already dwindling summer.

“You’ll work with Mr. Auggy until you get your reading up to seventh-grade level. That could take all summer, or it could take a couple of weeks. That’s up to you.”

Lucy looked at him sharply. “What if I get it there in three days?”

“Then you’re done. We’ll check it periodically, of course, to make sure it stays there.”

“It will,” Lucy said. But she hoped her outside voice sounded more sure than the one that was screaming inside her brain: You can’t do this! What are you thinking?

There weren’t enough exclamation points in the world to end that sentence.

How Majestic!

May 24th, 2009

O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens.  Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?

Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honor.  You have given them dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.

O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Psalm 8

Sewing Snacks

May 23rd, 2009

I have a couple fast and easy cookie recipes to share with you today.  The first was given to me years ago when I was a young mother with a toddler.  This was given to me by my neighbor Jo Anne C. when we lived in Columbus, IN. 

The second recipe was given to me by my grandmother later in my married life when I had progressed to two children.  Mom essentially taught me how to cook.  My dear mother was a working woman who preferred to have me out from under foot when she cooked.  My job was clean up detail after the meal.


  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 4 1/2 oz pkg instant pudding
  • 1 cup sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/2 tsp almond extract

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well.  Drop by teaspoon onto greased and floured cookie sheet.  Bake at 325 F for 10-12 minutes until firm.  Carefully remove onto waxed paper immediately.  May use chocolate, butterscotch, vanilla or lemon pudding.


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 lb powdered sugar
  • 1 drop almond extract
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • peanut butter

Beat the egg whites until very stiff.  Gradually add the powdered sugar.  Add the extracts.  Roll out very thin on a floured board.  Spread with peanut butter.  Roll up and slice.


May 22nd, 2009

Engagement is always an interesting topic for women, but this is a special engagement.  The Office of Public Liaison has had a name change to the Office of Public Engagement. 

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Christina M. Tchen, Director of this new office, hosted a round table discussion at Stitch DC, a local yarn store in Washington.

You can read about this meeting at The White House Blog,

Memorial Day Cookouts

May 21st, 2009

Memorial Day is coming up, and the weather is smiling at us.  Do you cook out on the grill or barbecue for the holiday?  When I lived up north, is was not uncommon for folks to talk about barbecuing when what they were doing had nothing to do with barbecue.  They were cooking out on the grill.  That’s called grilling or “cooking out.”  Barbecue is something else entirely. 

Down here in the south, barbecue is serious business.  But it’s still fun.  Check out this video from, and be ready to tap your foot and smile.  I’m not getting paid to promote this site or product.  I just really like this song.

As a bonus I’m digging out a goodie from my recipe box.  This recipe was given to me by Mary Wade, a member of my favorite little country church in Indiana.


  • 2 medium green peppers, chopped
  • 4 oz diced onion
  • 1 pkg instant chicken bouillon
  • 2 cups canned tomatoes, crushed
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp seasoned salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 24 oz cooked dried Lima beans

In a skillet combine first 3 ingredients.  Cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.  Add remaining ingredients.  Simmer 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

Maybe you’d better make a double batch.  This is a good one!

Port of Call: Dominica

May 21st, 2009

 No, I don’t mean the Dominican Republic.   We’re stopping at a small island named Dominica.  Dominica is a nature lover’s paradise in miniature. This little island nation is only 16 miles wide by 29 miles long and nearly two-thirds of it is covered by some of the most pristine rain forest in the world. 

Dominica has an abundance of natural beauty including mountains, 365 rivers rushing to the sea and the world’s second largest boiling lake. This lake is about 6.5 miles east of Roseau and there is no road leading to it.  People have to hike about three hours one way to reach this quirk of nature.

Dominica has received increasing recognition as an ideal destination for the viewing of social units of Sperm Whales. The opportunities to see the interactions of females, males, juveniles and young calves may be unsurpassed anywhere else in the world. This and the many other types of whales and dolphins make Dominica a popular destination for tourists interested in whale-watching.

If you want to see what makes Dominica one of the best places in the Caribbean to dive, whale & dolphin watch, hike, bird watch, explore a pristine tropical rain forest, discover the unique culture of the island or to find one of Dominica’s secluded beaches visit Virtual Dominica

Dominica may be small, but it’s mighty in terms of what’s available to guests and tourists.  Not many small ports can boast of having such an abundance.  Let your wanderlust take you to this nature lover’s jewel box. 

Mohamed’s Moon

May 20th, 2009

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old…or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today’s Wild Card author is:
Keith Clemons

and the book:

Mohamed’s Moon

Realms (May 5, 2009)


Keith Clemens is a native of Southern California and graduate of English Literature at California State University, Fullerton. His passion for communication has resulted in the publication of more than a hundred articles. Today, in addition to writing, he appears on radio and television where he uses his communications skills to explain coming trends that will affect both the church and society at large. Clemens lives with his wife and daughter in Caledon, Ontario, Canada and has written five novels including Angel in the Alley and the award winning If I Should Die, These Little Ones, and Above The Stars.

Visit the author’s website.

Product Details:

List Price: $13.99
Publisher: Realms (May 5, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1599795256
ISBN-13: 978-1599795256


I’m finding this book very interesting.  Quite an amazing situation is presented.  I’ve been a bit under the weather and not reading as rapidly as usual, but you can go to This That and the Other Thing to read an indepth review.  Do visit the author’s website.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy this book as much as I am.  You might also be interested in my review of The Blood of Lambs as it ties in with this book’s plot.



Sun sparkles on the Nile in flecks of gold, shimmering like the mask of Tutankhamen. The decaying wood boat—a felucca—is as ancient as the flow that passes beneath its hull, its sail a quilt-work of patches struggling to catch the wind. The craft creaks with the prodding of the rudder, bringing it about to tack across the current, cutting toward land with wind and water breaking against its bow. All along the shore a pattern emerges: villages sandwiched between checkerboard squares of cornfields, sugarcane, and cotton bolls. In the distance a barefoot girl herds sheep, goading them with a stick. At the sound of their bleating, a water buffalo foraging in the marsh lifts its head, causing the birds on its back to take flight. A dark-robed woman stoops to wash her dishes in the canal. Purple lilies clog the water in which a small boy also swims.

The cluster of yellow mud-brick homes erupts out of the ground like an accident of nature, a blemish marring the earth’s smooth surface. There are fewer than a hundred, each composed of mud and straw—the same kind of brick the children of Israel made for their Egyptian taskmasters. Four thousand years later, little has changed.

Those living here are the poorest of the poor, indigent souls gathered from Egypt’s overpopulated metropolitan centers and relocated to work small parcels of land as part of a government-sponsored program to stem the growth of poverty. It’s the dearth that catches your eye, an abject sense of hopelessness that has sent most of the young men back into the cities to find work and thrust those who stayed behind into deeper and more odious schools of fundamentalist Islam.

?… …?

Zainab crouched at the stove, holding back the black tarha that covered her hair. She reached down and shoveled a handful of dung into the arched opening, stoking the fire. The stove, like a giant clay egg cut in half, was set against the outside wall of the dwelling. She blew the smoldering tinder until it erupted into flame, fanning the fumes away from her watering eyes while lifting the hem of her black galabia as she stepped back, hoping to keep the smoke from saturating her freshly washed garment.

She had bathed and, in the custom of Saidi women, darkened her eyes and hennaed her hair just as Nefertiti once did, though it was hard to look beautiful draped in a shroud of black. She fingered her earrings and necklace, pleased at the way the glossy dark stones shone in the light. Mere baubles perhaps, but Khalaf had given them to her, so their value was intrinsic.

He had been away more than a month, attending school. She hadn’t been able to talk to him, but at least his brother, Sayyid—she cringed, then checked herself—had been kind enough to send word that today would be a day of celebration. It had to mean Khalaf was coming home. She brought a hand up, feeling the scarf at the back of her head. She wanted him to see her with her hair down, her raven-dark tresses lustrous and full, but that would have to wait.

She went inside to prepare a meal of lettuce and tomatoes with chicken and a dish called molohaya made of greens served with rice. It was an extravagance. Most days they drank milk for breakfast and in the evening ate eggs or beans. She’d saved every extra piaster while her husband was away, walking fifteen miles in the hot Egyptian sun to sell half of the beans she’d grown just so they’d be able to dine on chicken tonight. Khalaf would be pleased.

She turned toward the door. A beam of yellow light streamed into the room, revealing specks of cosmic dust floating through the air. She brought her hands to her hips, nodding. Everything was ready. She’d swept the straw mat and the hard dirt floor. The few unfinished boards that composed the low table where they would recline were set with ceramic dishware and cups. Even the cushion of their only other piece of furniture, the long low bench that rested against the wall, had been taken outside and the dust beaten from its seams.

Not counting the latrine, which was just a stall surrounding a hole in the ground that fed into a communal septic system, the house boasted only three rooms. One room served as the kitchen, living room, and dining room. The other two were small bedrooms. The one she shared with her husband, Khalaf, was barely wide enough for the dingy mattress that lay on the dirt floor leaking tufts of cotton. The other was for their son, who slept on a straw mat with only a frayed wool blanket to keep him warm.

She wiped her hands on her robe, satisfied that everything was in order. If Sayyid was right and Khalaf had news to celebrate, he would be in good spirits, and with a special dinner to complete the mood, perhaps she would have a chance to tell him.

She thought of the letter hidden safely under her mattress. Maybe she’d get to visit her friend in America and?.?.?.?best not to think about that. Please, Isa, make it so.

She reached for the clay pitcher on the table and poured water into a metal pot. Returning to the stove outside, she slipped the pot into the arched opening where it could boil. Khalaf liked his shai dark and sweet, and for that, the water had to be hot.

… …

The boy danced around the palm with his arms flailing, balancing the ball on his toe. He flipped it into the air and spun around to catch it on his heel and then kicked it back over his shoulder and caught it on his elbow, keeping it in artful motion without letting it touch the ground. He could continue with the ball suspended in air for hours by bouncing it off various limbs of his body. Soccer was his game. If only they would take him seriously, but that wouldn’t happen until he turned thirteen and became a man, and that was still two years away. It didn’t matter. One day he would be a champion, with a real ball, running down the field with the crowds chanting his name.

He let the ball drop to the ground, feigning left and right, and scooping the ball under his toes, kicked it against the palm’s trunk. Score! His hands flew into the air as he did a victory dance and leaned over to snatch his ball from the ground—not a ball really, just an old sock filled with rags and enough sand to give it weight—but someday he would have a real ball and then?.?.?.?

A cloud of blackbirds burst from the field of cane. There was a rustling, then movement. He crept to the edge of the growth, curious, but whatever, or whoever, it was remained veiled behind the curtain of green.

He pushed the cane aside. “What are you doing?” he said, staring at Layla. The shadow of the leafy stalks made her face a puzzle of light.

“Come here,” she whispered, drawing him toward her with a motion of her hand.

“No. Why are you hiding?”

“Come here and I’ll tell you.” Her voice was subdued but also tense, like the strings of a lute stretched to the point of breaking.

“I don’t want to play games. You come out. Father’s not here to see you.”

“We’re leaving.”


“Come here. We have to talk.”

“Talk? Why? What’s there to talk about?” The boy let his ball drop to the ground. He stepped forward and, sweeping the cane aside and pushing it behind him, held it back with his thigh.

“We have to move. They’re packing right now. We have to leave within the hour.” Layla’s eyes glistened and filled with moisture.

The boy blinked, once, slowly, but didn’t respond. He knew. His mother had overheard friends talking. He shook his head. “Then I guess you’d better go.”

“My father came here because he wanted to help, but now he says we can’t stay. He says we’re going to Minya where there are many Christians.”

“Then I won’t see you again?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you will. Father says he can’t abandon his patients. He may come to visit, but Mother’s afraid. Why do they hate us?”

The boy shook his head, his lower lip curling in a pout.

“Do you think we will marry someday?”

His eyes narrowed. Where had that come from? “Marry? We could never be married. You?.?.?.?you’re a Christian.”

“I know. But that doesn’t mean?.?.?.?”

“Yes, it does mean! My father says you’re an infidel, a blasphemer. If your father wasn’t a doctor, they would’ve driven him out long ago. Father would never let us marry. He hates it when he sees us together.”

“That’s why I’ve been thinking?.?.?.?” She paused, adding emphasis to her words. “You and your whole family must become Christians. Then we can be married.”

“You’re talking like a fool, Layla. My family is Saidi. We will never be Christian.”

“But your mother’s a Christian.”

“No, she’s not!”

“Is too. I heard—”

“Liar!” The boy clenched his fists. “My dad says all Christians are liars. My mother would never become a Christian. They would kill her.”

Layla reached out, took the boy by the collar, and pulled him in, kissing him on the lips. Then she pushed him back, her eyes big as saucers against her olive skin, her eyebrows raised. She shrank back into the foliage. “Sorry, I?.?.?.?I didn’t?.?.?.?I just?.?.?.?excuse me. I have to go. I’ll pray for you,” she said and, turning away, disappeared into the dry stalks of cane.


May 20th, 2009

The old “not in my backyard” rule wins out over shutting down Gitmo.  The Senate voted overwhelmingly today to deny funding for President Obama’s plan to close the Guantanamo Bay prison.  A vote of 90-6 represented a setback for him.  Obama used the closing of Gitmo as part of his campaign promises and signed an executive order beginning the process soon after he took office.  Obama does have a bit of a problem with pronouncing all the “I wills” without thinking ahead in regards to the hows.

This time funding will be withheld until he figures out the how and where of what to do with the detainees.  No one, including other countries, want these ruthless terrorists residing in their back yard.  Oops, I forgot what we’re supposed to call terrorists now that Obama has decided to eliminate “the war on terror” from our vocabulary.  Shades of George Orwell and some newspeak in 1984.   Hopefully, we won’t progress to thoughtcrime.

You can read more about this failed funding attempt at The Washington Post.

Update, May 21st, 2009: I just read an article in The New York Times about the continuing problems Obama is having regarding these detainees.  One interesting fact is that about one in seven of the 534 prisoners already transferred abroad from the detention center at Gitmo are engaged in terrorism or militant activity according to an unreleased Pentagon report.  This just backs up the “not in my back yard” argument.  Read the entire article here.

Gold of Kings

May 19th, 2009

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old…or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book!

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!

Today’s Wild Card author is:
Davis Bunn

and the book:

Gold of Kings

Howard Books (May 12, 2009)


Davis Bunn is the author of over nineteen national bestsellers, and his books have sold over six million copies in sixteen languages. The recipient of three Christy Awards, Bunn currently serves as writer-in-residence at Oxford University.

Visit the author’s website.

Product Details:

List Price: $24.00
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Howard Books (May 12, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1416556311
ISBN-13: 978-1416556312


This is the first book by Davis Bunn that I’ve read.  It won’t be the last.  I thoroughly enjoyed Gold of Kings.  I love the combination of suspense, action and archeological treasures.  There are some very interesting twists and turns that leave you guessing right up until the end.  If you haven’t read any of Mr. Bunn’s books, start with this one.  Like me, you will have no regrets.  This book ended in such a way that a sequel would not be out of line.  Are you listening?  These are terrific characters.  Bring them back in another story for us, please.



The rain pelting Seventh Avenue tasted of diesel and big-city friction. Sean Syrrell stared out the limo’s open window and let the day weep for him.

Sean gripped his chest with one hand, trying to compress his heart back into shape. His granddaughter managed to make the end of the block only because her aunt supported her. They turned the corner without a backward glance. Not till they were lost from view did Sean roll up his window.

Storm’s survival demanded that she be cut loose. He had fired her because it was the only way he could protect her. Sean knew the enemy was closing in. He had felt the killer’s breath for days. Storm was his last remaining hope for achieving his lifelong dream, and establishing his


But the knowledge he had been right to fire her did little to ease the knife-edged pain that shredded his heart.

The driver asked, “Everything okay, Mr. Syrrell?”

Sean glanced at the young man behind the wheel. The driver was new, but the company was the only one he used ever since the danger had been revealed. If the enemy wanted a way to monitor his movements in New York, he’d handed it to them on a platter. “Why don’t you

go for a coffee or something. I’d like a moment.”

“No can do, sir. I leave the wheel, they pull my license.”

Sean stared blindly at the rain-streaked side window. He could only hope that one day Storm would understand, and tell Claudia, and the pair of them would forgive him.

Unless, of course, he was wrong and the threat did not exist.

But he wasn’t wrong.

“Mr. Syrrell?”

Sean opened his door and rose from the car. “Drop my bags off at the hotel. We’re done for the day.”

Sean passed the Steinway showroom’s main entrance, turned the corner, pressed the buzzer beside the painted steel elevator doors, and gave his name. A white-suited apprentice grinned a hello and led him downstairs. Sean greeted the technicians, most of whom he knew by

name. He chatted about recent acquisitions and listened as they spoke of their charges. The ladies in black. Always feminine. Always moody and temperamental. Always in need of a firm but gentle hand.

Among professional pianists, the Steinway showroom’s basement was a place of myth. The long room was clad in whitewashed concrete. Beneath exposed pipes and brutal fluorescent lights stood Steinway’s most valuable asset: their collection of concert pianos.

All but one were black. The exception had been finished in white as a personal favor to Billy Joel. Otherwise they looked identical. But each instrument was unique. The Steinway basement had been a place of pilgrimage for over a hundred years. Leonard Bernstein, Vladimir

Horowitz, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Leon Fleisher, Elton John, Glenn Gould, Alfred Brendel, Mitsuko Uchida. They all came. An invitation to the Steinway basement meant entry to one of the world’s most exclusive musical circles.

Sean Syrrell had not been granted access because of his talent. As a pianist, he was mechanical. He did not play the keys so much as box with the music. He lacked the finesse required for greatness. But fifteen years ago, he had done Steinway a great favor. He had located and salvaged the grand that had graced the White Palace, summer home to the Russian czars.

After the Trotsky rebellion, the piano had vanished. For years the world believed that Stalin had placed it in his dacha, then in a drunken rage had chopped it up for firewood. But Sean had found it in a Krakow junk shop the year after the Berlin Wall fell, just one more bit of communist flotsam. He had smuggled it west, where Germany’s finest restorer had spent a year returning it to its original pristine state. It was now housed in the Steinway family’s private collection.

The basement was overseen by Steinway’s chief technician. He and an assistant were “juicing” the hammers of a new concert grand. Sean spent a few minutes listening and discussing the piano’s raw tones. Then he moved to his favorite. CD?18 was more or less retired from service after 109 years of touring. Occasionally it was brought out as a favor to a special Steinway client. The last time had been for a voice-piano duet—Lang Lang and Pavarotti. For fifteen years, Van Cliburn had begged Steinway to sell him the instrument. Yet here it remained.

Sean seated himself and ran through a trio of exercises. His hands were too stubby for concert-quality play, his manner at the keys too brusque. Added to that were his failing ears, which had lost a great deal of their higher-range tonality. And his strength, which these days was

far more bluster than muscle. And his heart, which still thudded painfully from firing Storm.

This time, it took a great deal longer than usual to leave the world behind. He hovered, he drifted, yet he was not transported. The tragic elements of his unfolding fate held him down.

When peace finally entered his internal realm, Sean switched to an étude by Chopin. It was a courtly dance, even when thumped out by his bricklayer’s hands. The instrument was bell-like, a radiant sound that caused even his antiquated frame to resonate.

Between the first and second movement, his playing transported him away from the realm of business and debt and his own multitude of failings. He knew others believed he harbored an old man’s fantasy of playing on the concert stage. But that was rubbish. He was here because twice each year, for a few treasured moments, an instrument brought him as close to divinity as Sean Syrrell would ever come. At least, so long as he was chained to this traumatic ordeal called life.

Sean detected a subtle shift in the chamber’s atmosphere. He was well aware of what it probably meant. He shut his eyes and turned to his favorite composer. Brahms was so very right for the moment, if indeed he was correct in thinking the moment had arrived.

Brahms above all composers had managed to form prayer into a series of notes. Yet Brahms had always been the hardest for Sean to play. Brahms required gentle eloquence. Normally Sean Syrrell played with all the gentleness of a drummer.

Today, however, Sean found himself able to perform the melody as it should be performed, as a supplicant with a lover’s heart.

Then Sean heard a different sound. A quiet hiss, accompanied by a puff of air on his cheek.

Sean opened his eyes in time to see a hand reflected in the piano’s mirrored surface, moving away from his face. It held a small crystal vial.

Sean’s cry of alarm was stifled by what felt like a hammer crashing into his chest. He doubled over the instrument, and his forehead slammed into the keyboard. But he heard none of it.

His entire being resonated with a single clarity of purpose, as strong as a funeral bell. He had been right all along.

Sean did not halt his playing. Even when his fingers slipped from the keys, still he played on.

His final thought was of Storm, which was only fitting. She was, after all, his one remaining earthbound hope.

He was carried along with notes that rose and rose until they joined in celestial perfection, transporting him into the realm he had prayed might find room for him. Even him.

Nurses and Patients

May 18th, 2009

It’s much easier to be one or the other, but to be both?  Not so easy.  I came back from the mainland a day early.  I’ve been swimming in the slough and morass of bronchitis.  I’m really trying to be a good patient, but it’s much easier to be the nurse.  I’m taking my medications, taking in an adequate amount of fluids, eating a bit, taking lots of naps and checking my blood sugar more frequently. 

So now I’m both the nurse and the patient.  I’m already getting tired of being my own nurse.  I’m an impatient patient.  I have to drag back over to the mainland tomorrow for a mandatory in-service.  I don’t think I’ll be magically healed by morning.  Maybe the boss will either take pity on me (or everyone else who has to breathe the same air), and send me home early.  I don’t think that will happen, but I can dream. 

And while I’m having that little unrealistic daydream, I’m going to go indulge in one of my comfort foods, Bird’s custard.