A Fearful Thing

October 24th, 2015

For if we keep on sinning willfully after we receive the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,

but only a terrifying expectation of judgment and a fury of fire about to devour the enemies of God.

Anyone who rejected the Torah of Moses dies without compassion on the word of two or three witnesses.

How much more severe do you think the punishment will be for one Ben-Elohim underfoot and has regarded as unholy the blood of the covenant by which he was made holy, and has insulted the Ruach* of grace?

For we know the One who said, “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, ” and again, “Adonai will judge His people.”

It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Hebrews 10:26-31


Our High Priest

October 17th, 2015


Therefore, since we have a great Kohen Gadol* who has passed through the heavens, Yeshua Ben-Elohim,** let us hold firmly to our confessed allegiance.

For we do not have a kohen gadol who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all the same ways – yet without sin.

Therefore let us draw near to the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help in time of need.

Hebrew 4:14-16

*The high priest who served as head official; the only one to enter the Holy of Holies

**Jesus, Son of God

The Splendor of Ordinary Days

October 14th, 2015

The Splendor of Ordinary Days

By Jeff High

The pastoral charm of small-town Watervalley, Tennessee, can be deceptive, as young Dr. Luke Bradford discovers when he’s caught in the fallout of a decades-old conflict.

After a rocky start as Watervalley’s only doctor, Luke Bradford has decided to stay in town, honoring the three-year commitment he made to pay off his medical school debts. But even as his friendships with the quirky townsfolk deepen, and he pursues a romance with lovely schoolteacher Christine Chambers, several military veterans’ emotional wounds trigger anger and unrest in Watervalley.

At the center of the clash is the curmudgeonly publisher of the local newspaper, Luther Whitmore. Luther grew up in Watervalley, but he returned from combat in Vietnam a changed man. He fenced in beautiful Moon Lake, posting “Keep Out” notices at the beloved spot, and provokes the townspeople with his incendiary newspaper.

As Luke struggles to understand Luther’s past, and restore harmony in Watervalley, an unforeseen crisis shatters a relationship he values dearly. Suddenly Luke must answer life’s toughest questions about service, courage, love, and sacrifice. Purchase a copy here.


This is the first Jeff High book I’ve read. I loved it and am looking forward to reading more about Watervalley and the people who live there.

Watervalley has secrets that are hurting people. Will it hurt them even more when the secrets are out in the open? I must warn you that even though you will laugh while reading this book, you may very well need a box of tissues near the end. I did.

You will find a bonus here. But please don’t read this until after you read the part in the book where Connie and Estelle are discussing their family reunion.

Thank you so very much, Jeff High.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


After growing up on a farm in rural Tennessee, Jeff High attained degrees in literature and nursing. He is the three-time winner, in fiction and poetry, of an annual writing contest held by Vanderbilt Medical Center. He lived in Nashville for many years, and throughout the country as a travel nurse, before returning to his original hometown, near where he now works as an operating room RN in open-heart surgery. He is the author of the Watervalley novels, including More Things in Heaven and Earth and Each Shining Hour.

A. D. 33

October 10th, 2015

A. D. 33

AD 33 Book Cover
By Ted Dekker

New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker delivers the gripping story of Maviah, a slave who becomes a queen in Arabia, A.D. 33.

They call her the Queen of the Outcasts. Maviah, a woman whose fate was sealed on her birth by this world-unwanted, illegitimate, female, a slave-subject to the whims of all. But then she met a man named Yeshua who opened her eyes. She found strength in his words, peace from the brutal word around her. Because of what he taught her, she has gathered her own traveling kingdom of outcasts deep in the desert, wielding an authority few have seen. But when her growing power threatens the rulers around her, they set out to crush all she loves, leaving her reeling as a slave once more. She must find Yeshua to save her people, but when she does, she will be horrified to discover that he faces his own death.

Enter a story full of intrigue, heart-wrenching defeat, uncompromising love and staggering victory-one that re-examines everything you thought you knew about the heart of Jesus’s stunning message and the power that follows for those who follow his easily forgotten way.


There’s a lot of royalty in this book. Kings, queens, princes and others in authority. These people carry baggage. It includes intrigue, loyalty, disloyalty, jealousy, hatred and love.

A slave becomes a queen and then is returned to slavery. But Maviah learns that Yeshua is indeed the way to peace and truly living, but like a lot of us loses track of that truth.

This novel is based on Biblical characters and events. As always, this brings Scripture to life and teaches me new things. It is obvious that this author has done much research into this time period. Plus, this book leaves me even more in love with Yeshua.

This is the first book by Mr. Dekker that I have read, but I don’t want it to be the last. Thank you, sir, for such an enjoyable book.

***A special thank you to Sarah Stringer for providing a review copy.***

Ted Dekker Author Photo

TED DEKKER is a New York Times bestselling author of more than 30 novels with a total of more than 10 million books in print. He is known for thrillers that combine adrenaline-laced plots with incredible confrontations between good and evil.

The Grace of God

October 10th, 2015


For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, training us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live in a manner that is self-controlled and righteous and godly in the present age.

We wait for the blessed hope and appearance of the glory  of our great God and Savior, Messiah Yeshua. He gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and so that He might purify for Himself a chosen people, zealous for good deeds.

Titus 2:11-14

More Wartime Breakfast Ideas

October 7th, 2015


Fried Sandwiches

Dip leftover sandwiches in 1 egg slightly beaten with 2 tbsp water or milk and 1/2 tsp salt. Fry in drippings until browned on both sides.

Baked Egg Hash

Grease a deep pie dish and arrange a thick layer of grated or chopped leftover potatoes; sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot with butter or margarine and sprinkle with a little minced parsley, chives or onions. Beat 2-3 eggs until light add 2 tbsp milk for each egg, salt and pepper. Pour over potatoes and bake in moderate oven, 350-375 degrees F for 20-30 minutes.

Changes for Baked Egg Hash

Add stewed tomatoes or tomato juice in place of milk.

Leftover corn or carrots may be added to the potatoes.

Beverages to use in place of coffee

Use 1 tbsp black molasses to 1 cup bran. Rub through the hands until well blended. Pile in large dripping pan and brown well (almost black) in a moderate oven, stirring occasionally to prevent actual burning. When cold pack away in airtight containers and make the same as boiled coffee – 1 tbsp to 1 cup water (you may prefer it weaker), serve hot or iced.

Proper Conduct

October 3rd, 2015


But as for you, speak things that are fitting for sound instruction. Older men are to be clear-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, in patience.

Likewise, older women are to be sanctified in demeanor – not backbiting or enslaved to much wine. Let them be teachers of what is good, so that they may train the young women to love their husbands, to love their children to be self-controlled, pure, managing their household, kind, submitted to their own husbands, so that God’s word may not be dishonored.

Likewise urge the younger men to be self-controlled, in all things showing yourself to be an example of good deeds –  integrity in instruction, dignity, sound speech beyond criticism – so that an opponent can be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us.

Titus 2:1-8


Even More Wartime Cooking

September 30th, 2015


The next section is Breakfast Ideas.

Leftover cooked cereals can be turned into greased molds; heated in the oven; turned out in dishes and served with hot maple syrup or honey.

Add raisins, dates, or nuts for a change.

Add to meat chopped fine to mush before putting in pan.

Basic Recipe for Buttermilk or Sour Milk Griddle Cakes

3 cups all-purpose sifted flour

2 tsp baking soda

3 tbsp brown sugar, honey or molasses

2 tsp salt

1 egg well beaten

2 tbsp melted shortening

2 cups buttermilk or sour milk

Sift together flour, soda, and salt; add sugar. Beat egg, add milk, shortening (and honey or molasses if used instead of sugar). Stir the egg and milk mixture slowly into the flour mixture, beating well. Have all ingredients at room temperature. Serve with syrup, butter and honey, or brown sugar, hot applesauce with dash of nutmeg, fruit juices boiled until thick; or crushed pineapple, fresh strawberries or raspberries.

Thrifty Changes for Griddle cakes

1/2 cup grated apples added to batter with a dash of nutmeg or cinnamon

1 banana mashed and added to batter

Corn cakes – 1 cup yellow corn meal, 1 1/2 cups white flour

1 cup leftover minced or ground ham added to batter

1/2 cup finely chopped nuts

1 tbsp grated orange rind

Rye cakes –  1 1/2 cups rye flour, 1 cup all-purpose flour

Try serving some of the griddle cakes in short cake style with a little creamed dried beef, ham, tuna, or any other leftover meat cut into small cubes.

Any leftover batter can be baked up into cakes and meat loaf mixture rolled into them. Place close together in greased baking dish, cover with tomato soup or well seasoned tomato juice. Bake in over 350-375F 45 – 50 minutes. Serve with baked potatoes.

Try spreading the cakes while hot with thick stewed dried apricots and roll – good for dessert, too.

A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn

September 29th, 2015

A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn

By Shelley Shepard Gray

Litfuse is partnering once again with Avon Inspire and Shelley Shepard Gray to bring you the third installment, A Wedding at the Orange Blossom Inn, in Shelley’s Amish Brides of Pinecraft series.

In the third book of New York Times-bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray’s Amish Brides of Pinecraft series, a wedding brings together two young widowed parents . . . and gives them a second chance at love.

Emma Keim was heartbroken when her husband, Sanford, passed away, leaving her to raise three young daughters alone. Though several years have passed, her relatives have made it no secret that they expect Emma to remain a widow, mourning Sanford indefinitely. But when she meets Jay Hilty—a handsome widower with three young sons of his own—Emma is delighted to have a new friend who understands her struggles. Still, she is dismayed that her family is so opposed to their friendship—and the idea of it ever becoming anything more. She honors her husband’s memory every day, but is she destined to be alone forever?

Emma’s gentleness with Jay’s boys stirs something in his heart that’s been quiet for far too long. But when his oldest son becomes engaged to a local woman, suddenly Jay, Emma, and their children are swept up in wedding preparations. Witnessing his son’s joy, Jay wonders if it’s time for him to move forward, too, and find happiness again.

Once again, love has come to Pinecraft. But can these two parties of four become a happy, healthy family of eight?


There’s going to be a wedding, but who will be the bride and groom? There are three couples who may or may not be heading toward matrimony. The main couple consist of a lady and her three daughters and a man and his three sons. Just like an Amish Brady Bunch.

The guys are new in town and meet the ladies during the stolen pizza caper. Emma and her daughters are trying to track down their overweight dog Frankie. Frankie loves pizza. When they found him, he had just stuffed himself with an entire pizza that Jay had just purchased. While Jay’s oldest takes the boys to get more pizza, Jay carries Frankie home for Emma.

And so the adventures begin. Even though this book is the third in the Amish Brides of Pinecraft series, it is a good stand alone read. But it’s better if you read The Promise of Palm Grove and The Proposal at Siesta Key first for background. I especially like the Pinecraft settings as I live near there. I would really like to spend some time at the Orange Blossom Inn.

Thanks, Ms Shepard Gray, for always giving us such enjoyable reading.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Shelley Shepard Gray is a two-time New York Times bestseller, a two-time USA Today bestseller, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time Holt Medallion winner. She lives in Southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.


September 26th, 2015


To the pure all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. Both their mind and conscience are defiled.

They claim to know God but their deeds deny Him. They are despicable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.

Titus 1:15-16