Archive for the 'Thursday’s Travels' Category

Worst-Case Scenario

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

I’ve been traveling through the Worst-case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht.  Oh, my gosh!  A disclaimer at the very beginning tells us not to attempt to undertake any of the advice offered therein.  What to do?  Consult a professionally trained expert.  I’m sure I’m going to remember that when I’m out […]

Desparately Seeking Shipmate

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

Anthony P, dance captain on the Holiday.  You’re missed by Nancy Nurse! Tony, remember all our after hours infirmary chats and the crazy things we did to amuse ourselves.  How about those big laundry carts left outside the Chinese laundry at nights?  I think maybe I’m the only one on board who called you Tony, but […]

Travel Into The Voice of Ice

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

I just read a review of Voice of Ice by Alta Ifland on            carp(e) libris reviews.  If you have a love of poetry, this book sounds as if it will touch you deeply.  It mingles the beauty and pain of fitting into this world of ours.  Pop over and read this review by Diane.  As a […]

Walking on Water

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Yes, I really did walk on water.  I spent ten years doing it.  I worked and lived on ships and some of those suckers are big.  There’s a lot of walking to do on a ship.  Don’t let anyone tell you that taking a cruise is a laid back and relaxing thing to do.  That […]