Murder is an Artform

March 8th, 2021

Solving mysteries can be murder

When a famous artist boards the Aurelia, no one expects his work to be interrupted by a death, especially when the victim is the artist’s muse who seemed vibrant and full of life just hours before.

The official verdict is suicide, but that doesn’t sit well with our famous sleuth and all too soon she is poking her nose where someone doesn’t want it. None too surprisingly, it’s not long before the verdict is brought into question – and the team find a ruthless killer clever enough to disguise their crime.

Clever, but not clever enough. The evidence is compelling.

But is it real?

Presented with a killer, Patricia suspects someone else but as she clashes with everyone on board, is she right or wrong? Is she leading herself astray? Or is she the only one with the brain to figure this out?

With the ship just a few hours from Southampton, she’s running out of time to convince everyone, including herself, that it’s the wrong person in custody. But how far will Patricia go to make sure the right person goes to jail?


Patricia’s back on the ship with her captain. And she still has a problem with that head itching thing and dead bodies showing up.

This time it’s a talented artist and his casual way with the women in his life. This includes his current wife, his ex and his models. He brought them all onboard with him. I don’t know how he keeps everything straight when his only real interest is his painting.

There are a lot of twists and turns that Patricia has to wade through in this cruise. Plus, she’s angling for a new job.

Thank you, Mr. Higgs. I used to live and work on cruise ships. Now I get to live vicariously through Patricia.

***Book provided without charge by the author.***

When Steve Higgs wrote his debut novel, Paranormal Nonsense, he was a Captain in the British Army. He would love to pretend that he had one of those careers that has to be redacted and in general denied by the government and that he has had to change his name and continually move about because he is still on the watch list in several countries. In truth though, he started out as a mechanic. Not like Jason Statham in the film by that name, sneaking about as a contract killer, more like one of those greasy gits that charge you a fortune and keep your car for a week when all you went in for was a squeaky door hinge.

At school, he was mostly disinterested in every subject except creative writing, for which, at age ten, he won his first award. However, calling it his first award suggests that there have been more, which there have not. Accolades may come but, in the meantime, he is having a ball writing mystery stories, urban fantasies, and crime thrillers and claims to have more than a hundred books forming an unruly queue in his head as they clamor to get out.

Now retired from the military, he lives in the south-east corner of England with a trio of lazy sausage dogs. Surrounded by rolling hills, brooding castles and vineyards, he doubts he will ever leave, the beer is just too good.

Choose Life

March 6th, 2021

I call the heavens and earth to witness about you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore choose life so that you and your descendants may live,

by loving Adonai your God, listening to His voice, and clinging to Him. For He is your life and the length of your days, that you may dwell on the land that Adonai swore to your fathers — to Abraham, to Isaac and Jacob — to give them.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 TLV

Adonai – Hebrew for The Lord

Mom vs Dad

March 3rd, 2021

The not so serious guide to the stuff we’re all fighting about.
While a husband and wife’s parenting styles may be worlds apart, they both have the same goal: to raise happy kids who feel unconditionally loved. Mom vs. Dad is packed with sidesplitting and vulnerable personal essays from the trenches of parenthood. In this book, Lucy and Tom Riles tackle relatable topics such as:

  • Is bringing a toaster oven to a 5-star resort tacky or genius?
  • Is it appropriate to lick your plate clean at a restaurant?
  • Does the expiration date on food really matter?

Illustrations of family life will also be included in this intimate and inspiring narrative about the challenges and triumphs of raising children. Mom vs. Dad is the perfect gift for anyone who needs a relatable couple to guide them through some of the toughest (and funniest) issues parents face today.


This book reminds me of my parents. I remember asking my mother if I could do something or go somewhere. It was not unusual for her to tell me to go ask my father. When I asked him, I usually heard, “Go ask your mother.”

When you get down to the nitty gritty, moms and dads come at a problem from different directions. Chapter by chapter this book gives you both sides.

This book will make you smile, giggle and even laugh out loud. Whether you are a parent or if you’ve just had parents, this book is a must read if you want to enjoy your day.

***Book provided without charge by Canaan of Hachette Book Group.***

Lucy and Tom Riles created a massive online community for moms and dads by sharing their sidesplitting, but authentic parenting stories on the Life of Mom and Life of Dad Facebook pages. They also host the Mom vs. Dad Podcast. –This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.

Up the Creek

March 2nd, 2021

Up the Creek by Alissa Grosso Banner



Up the Creek

by Alissa Grosso

January 11 – March 12, 2021 Tour


Up the Creek by Alissa Grosso

An unsolved murder. Disturbing dreams. A missing child.

Caitlin Walker hasn’t had a dream in nine years. But now nightmares torture her son Adam and awaken in Caitlin buried memories and a dark secret. Her husband Lance has a secret of his own, one that his son’s nightmares threaten to reveal.

In Culver Creek newly hired detective Sage Dorian works to unravel the small town’s notorious cold case, the grisly murder of a young girl.

How are Caitlin and Lance connected to the horrific crime? And how far will they go to make sure their secrets stay hidden? Find out in this riveting thriller.

Book Details:

Genre: Mystery Thriller
Published by: Glitter Pigeon Press
Publication Date: January 12, 2021
Number of Pages: 356
ISBN: 9781949852080
Series: Culver Creek Series, Book 1
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads


Most people have heard that old saying about being up a creek without a paddle. A bunch of people in this book are up that creek.

There are too many people with nightmares and secrets. It’s up to Sage Dorian to unravel those secrets. But can he unravel his own?

Guilt also abounds. Sage understands that, too. He also has to deal with coverups and police incompetence.

I really didn’t want this book to end. There’s more I want to find out. That’s why I’m looking forward to Book 2 in the Culver Creek series. Thank you Ms Grosso. I hope you are a fast writer.

***I received this book from PICT without charge.***

Read an excerpt:

Caitlin emerged from a black, dreamless sleep to screams. Adam’s tortured cries sounded almost otherworldly. They turned her blood to ice and made her heart race. She sat straight up, then bolted from bed, blinking sleep from her eyes as she raced toward the door, banging her shin on the dresser as she went. She yanked on the doorknob and almost toppled over when it didn’t yield as she expected. Goddammit. Lance had locked the door again.

She spared a glance toward the bed, but her husband wasn’t there. Instead he was standing, looking out the window. For a moment she thought she was mistaken. Were the screams coming from outside?

“Lance?” she asked.

He turned to her, but his eyes looked past her at some point on the wall.

“What’s going on?” he mumbled, barely awake.

“Adam’s having a nightmare,” she said.

“Again?” he asked. “Maybe we should just let him sleep it off.”

The screams had subsided now, but she could still hear her son’s whimpers from down the hall. Sleep it off? Could Lance really be that clueless? She unlocked the door and flung it open. It bounced almost silently off the rubber doorstopper, which didn’t really give her the dramatic exit she was hoping for.

She still couldn’t quite wrap her head around her husband just standing there looking out the window while Adam cried for them. Usually Lance was the one who woke up first. Maybe he had already gone to comfort Adam and came back to their bedroom by the time she awoke. He seemed so out of it, though. Well, that’s what a lack of sleep could do to a person.

Adam sat on his bed in a nest of tangled sheets. His face was damp with tears and sweat, his dark hair plastered to his forehead. The hippo nightlight cast large, ominous shadows when she stepped into his room. He looked up with a start, then relaxed when he saw it was her.

She sat down beside him and pulled his small body to her, wrapping her arms around him and rocking him gently back and forth. The tears subsided, but he still felt tense.

“Mommy, I’m scared of the bad boy,” he said. “The bad boy’s going to hurt me.”

“Nobody’s going to hurt you,” she assured him. “You’re safe. It was just a dream. Look, you’re safe in your bedroom.”

At this, Adam pulled away from her a little to study the dimly lit bedroom. Maybe they should get a different nightlight. She had never realized how spooky that hippo light made everything look.

“There were trees,” Adam said, “and a river. She was playing in the river.”

Caitlin stiffened. Adam noticed it and looked up at her. She smiled at him.

“It was just a dream,” she said, as much to reassure herself as him. “It wasn’t real.”

There were lots of rivers out there, and wasn’t Adam just watching a cartoon show with cute animals that had to get across a river? That was probably where that detail came from. Plus, she reminded herself, it hadn’t been a river. It had been a creek. She wasn’t sure Adam knew the difference between a river and a creek, though. But a little girl playing in a river? No, wait, was that what he had said? He said only “she.” For all Caitlin knew, this she could have been a girl river otter. Maybe he had been having a cute dream about river creatures.

And a “bad boy,” she reminded herself. She remembered his bloodcurdling screams. There was nothing cute about the dream he had. Still, she clung to the “bad boy” detail. Was he talking about a child? If so, then the river was just a coincidence. She wanted to ask him more about the bad boy, but this was the worst thing she could do. He was already starting to calm down, starting to forget the details of his nightmare. She couldn’t go dredging things back up again.

“Mommy, can I sleep in your room?” Adam asked.


Lance was fully awake and in bed when Caitlin returned with Adam in her arms.

“Hey there, champ,” Lance said. “Have a bad dream?”

“Daddy, he hurt her,” Adam said. “He hurt her head. She was bleeding.”

Her son’s tiny body stiffened again in Caitlin’s arms, and she gave Lance an exasperated look as she set Adam down in the middle of the bed.

“We’d already gotten past that,” she said in a whispered hiss.

“Obviously,” Lance said with a roll of his eyes, “which is why he’s sleeping in our bed. Again.”

She slid into the bed beside Adam and adjusted the covers, ignoring her husband. She petted Adam’s head and made soft, soothing noises.

“Remember, that wasn’t real, just make believe, like a movie.” She didn’t want him to get himself worked up again talking about the dream, but it wasn’t just that. She didn’t want to hear any more details from the nightmare because the bit about the bad boy hurting the girl’s head and the blood felt a touch too familiar.

She stroked his face, and his eyelids slowly drooped closed. He looked so calm and peaceful when he slept.

“I thought we said we weren’t going to do this anymore,” Lance said. Even whispering, his voice was too loud. She held her finger to her lips. He continued more quietly, “I’m just saying, I think it would be better for him if he sleeps in his own bed.”

“It’s already after three,” she said. “It’s only for a few hours.”

“That’s not the point,” Lance said. “He’s nearly five years old. We can’t keep babying him.”

It was like the school argument all over again, and Caitlin didn’t want to get into it. Not now. She was still tired and groggy and needed more sleep.

“I want to get him a new nightlight,” she said to change the subject. “The one he has makes these creepy shadows.”

“A new nightlight,” Lance repeated in a skeptical voice. “Sure, that will solve everything.”

“The important thing,” she said, “is that we have to remind him that his dreams are not real. That they’re make believe. We have to be united on this.”

Lance made a dismissive noise and lay back down on his pillow, turning his body away from her and Adam. He muttered something, but his voice was muffled by the pillow.

“Lance, this is important,” she said. “We have to make it clear that his dreams are not real. He has to know they aren’t true.”

He sighed. “What kind of moron do you think I am? Do you really think I’m going to start telling him his dreams about boogeymen are real?” He squirmed around and pulled the covers up in an attempt to get comfortable. She thought he was done, but he stopped shifting around long enough to add, “It’s not exactly like you’re the foremost expert in dreams.”


Excerpt from Up the Creek by Alissa Grosso. Copyright 2021 by Alissa Grosso. Reproduced with permission from Alissa Grosso. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Alissa Grosso

Alissa Grosso is the author of several books for adults and teens. Originally from New Jersey, she now resides in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Find out more about Alissa Grosso and her books at:



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This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for Alyssa Grosso. There will be two (2) winners each receiving one (1) Gift Card. The giveaway begins on January 11, 2021 and runs through March 14, 2021. Void where prohibited.

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February 27th, 2021

The hand of the diligent will rule,

but the lazy will become forced labor.

Proverbs 12:24 TLV

Symphony Road

February 23rd, 2021

Symphony Road by Gabriel Valjan Banner

Symphony Road

by Gabriel Valjan

February 1-28, 2021 Tour


Symphony Road by Gabriel Valjan

Trouble comes in threes for Shane Cleary, a former police officer and now, a PI.

Arson. A Missing Person. A cold case.

Two of his clients whom he shouldn’t trust, he does, and the third, whom he should, he can’t.

Shane is up against crooked cops, a notorious slumlord and a mafia boss who want what they want, and then there’s the good guys who may or may not be what they seem.

Praise for Symphony Road:

“The second installment in this noir series takes us on a gritty journey through mid-seventies Boston, warts and all, and presents Shane Cleary with a complex arson case that proves to be much more than our PI expected. Peppered with the right mix of period detail and sharp, spare prose, Valjan proves he’s the real deal.” – Edwin Hill, Edgar finalist and author of Watch Her

“Ostracized former cop turned PI Shane Cleary navigates the mean streets of Boston’s seedy underbelly in Symphony Road. A brilliant follow up to Dirty Old Town, Valjan’s literary flair and dark humor are on full display.” – Bruce Robert Coffin, award-winning author of the Detective Byron Mysteries

“A private eye mystery steeped in atmosphere and attitude.” – Richie Narvaez, author of Noiryorican

Book Details:

Genre: Crime fiction, Procedural, Noir, Historical Fiction
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: January 15, 2021
Number of Pages: 232
ISBN: 978-1-953789-07-5
Series: Shane Cleary Mystery, #2
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads


I picture Shane Cleary being played by Humphry Bogart. If you don’t know who this man is, look him up and watch one of his movies.

Shane has three cases dropped on him at the same time – some with deadlines and some with dead bodies. He has to work hard to come in under the deadlines.

He has assistance by some very interesting characters. I enjoyed them all.

I wasn’t ready for this book to end. It’s the first Shane Cleary mystery that I’ve read. It certainly won’t be the last. Please keep those books coming, Mr. Valjan.

***Book received from PICT without charge.***

Read an excerpt:

I went to cross the street when the wheels of a black Cadillac sped up and bristled over tempered glass from a recent smash-and-grab. The brake lights pulsed red, and a thick door opened. A big hulk stepped out, and the car wobbled. The man reached into his pocket. I thought this was it. My obituary was in tomorrow’s paper, written in past tense and in the smallest and dullest typeface, Helvetica, because nothing else said boring better.

Click. Click. “I can never get this fucking thing to light.”

It was Tony Two-Times, Mr. B’s no-neck side man. His nickname came from his habit of clicking his lighter twice. “Mr. B wants a word.”

“Allow me.” I grabbed the Bic. The orange flame jumped on my first try and roasted the end of his Marlboro Red. “You really oughta quit.”

“Thanks for the health advice. Get in.”

Tony nudged me into the backseat. I became the meat in the sandwich between him and Mr. B. There was no need for introductions. The chauffeur was nothing more than a back of a head and a pair of hands on the wheel. The car moved and Mr. B contemplated the night life outside the window.

“I heard you’re on your way to the police station to help your friend.”

“News travels fast on Thursday night. Did Bill tell you before or after he called me?”

“I’m here on another matter.”

The cloud of smoke made me cough. Tony Two-Times was halfway to the filter. The chauffeur cracked the window a smidge for ventilation. As I expected, the radio played Sinatra and there were plans for a detour. A string of red and green lights stared back at us through a clean windshield.

“A kid I know is missing,” Mr. B said.

“Kids go missing all the time.”

“This kid is special.”

“Has a Missing Persons Report been filed?”

The look from Mr. B prompted regret. “We do things my way. Understood?”

We stopped at a light. A long-legged working girl with a chinchilla wrap crossed the street. She approached the car to recite the menu and her prices, but one look at us and she kept walking.

“Is this kid one of your own?”

The old man’s hand strummed leather. The missing pinky unnerved me. I’ve seen my share of trauma in Vietnam: shattered bones, intestines hanging out of a man, but missing parts made me queasy. The car moved and Mr. B continued the narrative.

“Kid’s a real pain in my ass, which is what you’d expect from a teenager, but he’s not in the rackets, if that’s what you’re wondering. This should be easy money for you.”

Money never came easy. As soon as it was in my hand, it went to the landlady, or the vet, or the utilities, or inside the refrigerator. I’d allow Mr. B his slow revelation of facts. Mr. B mentioned the kid’s gender when he said “he’s not in the rackets.” This detail had already made the case easier for me. A boy was stupider, easier to find and catch. Finding a teenage girl, that took something special, like pulling the wings off of an angel.

“He’s a good kid. No troubles with the law, good in school, excellent grades and all, but his mother seems to think he needed to work off some of that rebellious energy kids get. You know how it is.”

I didn’t. The last of my teen years were spent in rice paddies, in a hundred-seventeen-degree weather—and that was before summer—trying to distinguish friendlies from enemies in a jungle on the other side of the planet. And then there were the firefights, screams, and all the dead bodies.

“Does this kid have a girlfriend?” I asked.

Mr. B said nothing.

“A boyfriend then?” That question made Mr. B twist his head and Tony Two-Times elbowed me hard. “I’ve got to ask. Kids these days. You know, drugs, sex, and rock’ n roll.”

“The kid isn’t like your friend Bill, Mr. Cleary.”

The mister before Cleary was a first. The ribs ached. I caught a flash of the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror. Mr. B conveyed specifics such as height and weight, build, the last known place the kid was seen, the usual hangouts and habits. This kid was All-American, too vanilla, and Mr. B had to know it. Still, this kid was vestal purity compared to Mr. B, who had run gin during Prohibition, killed his first man during the Depression, and became a made-man before Leave It to Beaver aired its first episode on television.

The car came to a stop. The driver put an emphasis on the brakes. We sat in silence. The locks shot up. Not quite the sound of a bolt-action rifle, but close. Mr. B extended his hand for a handshake. I took it. No choice there. This was B’s way of saying his word was his bond and whatever I discovered during the course of my investigation stayed between us, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

“I’ve got to ask,” I said.

“I’ll pay you whatever you want.”

“It’s not that,” I said, feeling Tony Two-Times’ breath on the back of my neck. “Did you hire Jimmy C to do a job lately?”

“I did not.”

“And Bill called me, just like that?” I knew better than to snap my fingers. Tony would grab my hand and crush my knuckles like a bag of peanuts. A massive paw on the shoulder told me it was time to vacate the premises, but then Mr. B did the tailor’s touch, a light hand to my elbow. “Jimmy is queer like your friend, right?”

“What has that got to do with anything?”

“When it comes to friends, you forgive certain habits, like I allow this idiot over here to smoke those stupid cigarettes. Capisci?”

“Yeah, I understand.”

“Good. Now, screw off.”

I climbed over Tony Two-Times to leave the car. Door handle in my grip, I leaned forward to ask one last thing, “You know about Jimmy’s predicament?”

“Ironic, isn’t it?” Mr. B said.

“What is?”

“I know everything in this town, except where my grandnephew is. Now, shut the door.”

The door clapped shut. I heard bolts hammer down and lock. There was a brief sight of silhouettes behind glass before the car left the curb. I had two cases before breakfast, one in front of me, and the other one, behind me in the precinct house. There was no need for me to turn around. No need either, to read the sign overhead.

The limestone building loomed large in my memory. Two lanterns glowed and the entrance, double doors of polished brass, were as tall and heavy as I remembered them. It was late March and I wasn’t Caesar but it sure as hell felt like the Ides of March as I walked up those marble steps.


Excerpt from Symphony Road by Gabriel Valjan. Copyright 2021 by Gabriel Valjan. Reproduced with permission from Gabriel Valjan. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Gabriel Valjan

Gabriel Valjan lives in Boston’s South End. He is the author of the Roma Series and Company Files (Winter Goose Publishing) and the Shane Cleary series (Level Best Books). His second Company File novel, The Naming Game, was a finalist for the Agatha Award for Best Historical Mystery and the Anthony Award for Best Paperback Original in 2020. Gabriel is a member of the Historical Novel Society, International Thriller Writer (ITW), and Sisters in Crime.

Catch Up With Gabriel Valjan:
BookBub – @gvaljan
Instagram – @gabrielvaljan
Twitter – @GValjan



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The Mind of a Conservative Woman

February 22nd, 2021

The Mind of a Conservative Woman challenges women to improve their place in life and open doors for themselves and the next generation through the courage of their convictions. Senator Blackburn expounds upon why beliefs labeled as “traditional” have common ground and can improve all of society, such as:

  • Protecting the next generation, the family, and the freedom of faith and values,
  • Supporting a free market that rewards women who apply their talents and rise to great heights,
  • Respecting the institutions in our nation to make change from the inside,
  • Securing an effective government that will not overreach, and
  • Honoring and respecting those who hold differing opinions.

Though it is politically liberal women who receive the attention of left-leaning media and universities, it is conservatism that guarantees what most women hold dear. Blackburn addresses the frustrations of working women and the false perceptions of women presented by the media in general.
Her maxim “Leave Things in Better Shape Than You Found Them” will challenge you to improve your place in life and create opportunities you never dreamed possible for yourself and those around you.


Do you hear what I hear? It’s the sound of one crying in the wilderness. This is the story of a conservative woman thrust into a world of liberalism.

A lady, a wife, mother and a senator, who only wants the best for our country and its people. The best for her family and fellow conservatives and their religious freedom.

Marsha Blackburn wants to leave this world a better place for others. She’s left me wanting to do the same.

Page 223 provides a checklist to help you become a voice for yourself and the true conservative lifestyle. You, too, can become a bold, courageous conservative woman.

Thank you, Ms Blackburn, for the enlightenment and motivation to keep moving forward in whatever way I can find to do this.

***Book provided without charge by Canaan of the Hachette Book Group.***

Marsha Blackburn is the first woman ever elected to the United States Senate from Tennessee. Before ascending to that role, she represented Tennessee’s Seventh District in the United States Congress for sixteen years and served as a state senator for four years. She is known for her mastery of the political process, her fiery defense of her principles, and her wit. Senator Blackburn is a mother to two, a grandmother to two, and wife to her husband, Chuck, to whom she has been married for more than forty years.

The Gamma Sequence

February 21st, 2021

A corrupt genetics lab is making billions illegally.
Terrified, on the run, and alone, one of their former geneticists works to take them down before they find her and kill her.

Geneticist Lanaya Kim must do what authorities haven’t—tie together the “accidental” deaths of several prominent scientists around the country to show they were actually murdered. Over the past two years, geneticists have died in what appear to be accidents, but Lanaya knows otherwise. If she tells her secrets to the authorities, she risks becoming a suspect or revealing herself to the killer and becoming an open target.

She enlists Hamilton DeShear to help expose the corrupt internal workings of Angelus Genetics, but time is running out. The murders are happening faster, and Lanaya’s name may be next on the killer’s list. But when Lanaya and DeShear start probing, what they discover is far more horrifying than anyone could ever have imagined.

Fans of Robin Cook, Michael Crichton and A. G. Riddle will love this fast-paced and suspenseful series from USA Today bestselling author Dan Alatorre.


I don’t know where to start. This is one of those books a person just can’t put down.

It’s fast paced with lots of action. Lanaya Kim tricks Hamilton DeShear into going with her to track down a killer who is targeting a list of people from Angelus Genetics who gave him both life and death. She’s on that list.

As they race around the country hiding but still getting shot at, they are trying to find the Greyhound and stop the murder of all the people who worked on the Gamma Sequence. In the end, they have to take down Angelus Genetics.

I want to thank you, Mr. Alatorre, for this book. You’ve hooked me. Now I need to read more of your writings. I’m glad you’re a neighbor.

***Book received without charge from the author.***

USA Today bestselling author Dan Alatorre has published more than 40 titles and is read in over a dozen languages around the world.

His fast-paced thrillers have gripped readers all over the globe, notably his USA Today bestseller The Gamma Sequence, a medical thriller series, his successful murder mystery Double Blind series, and more. Readers can’t put his books down.

Dan resides in the Tampa area with his wife and daughter.

Check out his Readers Club at and find out about new releases before anyone else!

Soar Like Eagles

February 20th, 2021

but they who wait for Adonai will renew their strength.

They will soar up with wings as eagles.

They will run, and not grow weary.

They will walk, and not be faint.

Isaiah 41:31

The Widow Catcher

February 17th, 2021

Retiring to this town could be fatal

Delia Frost loves her job at the bank. She loves her customers, most of whom are elderly. She doesn’t love the idea of quitting her job to travel around Australia in a motor home with her husband who is recovering from a heart attack. And she can’t bring herself to tell him that she doesn’t want to go.

Days before quitting her job, she is invited to a book club meeting, run by a local celebrity. This seems like a beacon of hope, one last chance to do something for herself before she leaves it all behind.

But this isn’t a random invitation.

Delia has been carefully selected by a serial killer to play her part in the murders of elderly widows.

Finding herself caught in a web of lies and murder, and not wanting to believe the killer is someone she knows, Delia is keen to leave this town as fast as she can. Except the killer doesn’t want to let her go.

Sign up for Jonette Blake’s newsletter and download a free ‘mystery-themed word search. Details on the website

Jonette Blake writes supernatural thrillers and suspense thrillers. She is the author of over ten books and dozens of short stories, writing as D L Richardson.

?She was born in Ireland and grew up in Australia. She lived through the 80s and music is still a big part of her life. When she is not writing, she plays her piano and guitar, listens to music, reads, and enjoys the beach.

?She has held jobs in administration, sales and marketing, has worked in HR, payroll, and as a bank teller. Her latest novel “The Widow Catcher” is based on the coastal town she lives in and her own bank teller experience.

Read more about her books on her website:
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