Barry’s Decree

June 1st, 2016


Presidential Proclamation — LGBT Pride Month, 2016

“Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”

Romans 1:24-27 (KJV)

If you have the stomach for it, you can read the full thing here.

Through the Shadows

May 31st, 2016

Through the Shadoes

By Karen Barnett

As San Francisco rises from the ashes, an age-old battle looms between corruption and the promise of new beginnings.

The devastating earthquake is just two years past, but the city of San Francisco is still trying to recover. Destruction of this magnitude is not so easy to overcome—and neither are the past regrets shadowing Elizabeth King’s hopeful future.

Hoping to right her wrongs, Elizabeth dedicates herself to helping girls rescued from slavery in Chinatown brothels, even if it means putting her own life at risk to sneak through the gloomy alleys and rooftops where dangers lurk.

Putting her life on the line for a worthy cause is admirable. But opening her heart is even more terrifying. So when Elizabeth meets attorney Charles McKinley—a man who dreams of reforming San Francisco’s crooked politics—Elizabeth begins to doubt: Can she maintain her pretense and hide her past? Or will her secret jeopardize both their futures?


We return to the characters whom we previously met during and after the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. It’s now two years later and Elizabeth King is running from her past.

She volunteers her services teaching sewing and English at the Presbyterian Mission Home in San Francisco. She’s really not sure about leaving Sacramento as it’s all so strange at the home.

But Elizabeth can’t help but fall in love with the children. Soon she learns the danger connected with working at the home. She has difficulty being prudent an puts herself into a dangerous situation.

She tries to protect her heart, but eventually puts that on the line as well. Alas! Her past catches up with her, and now she’s disgraced and will probably lose her job. Just when she thinks she’s found happiness and fulfillment.

Thank you so much, Ms Barnett. I have thoroughly enjoyed The Golden Gates Chronicles. I do hope you have more installments of life there for us.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Karen Barnett is the author of Beyond the Ashes, Out of the Ruins, and Mistaken. Named the 2013 Writer of Promise by Oregon Christian Writers, Karen lives in Albany, Oregon, with her husband and two kids. When she’s not writing novels, she loves speaking at women’s events, libraries, and book clubs.

Karen Barnett’s THROUGH THE SHADOWS 5-Book Giveaway!

May 29th, 2016


Enter here.

Angels Unaware

May 28th, 2016


Let brotherly love continue.

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers – for in doing so, some have entertained angels without knowing it.

Remember the prisoners as if you were fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you also were suffering bodily.

Let marriage be held in honor among all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers.

Hebrews 13:1-4

The Blue Nun

May 26th, 2016

Sister Eve and the Blue Nun

By Lynne Hinton

When Sister Eve returns to the monastery, the last thing she expects there is murder.
After solving several mysteries with her father at the Divine Private Detective Agency, Sister Eve finds herself torn between her calling as a nun and the thrill that comes with detecting. She knows she’s been using her father’s health as an excuse to extend her leave of absence from the monastery, but that excuse is running thin. She prays that a return visit to the monastery for a conference on the Blue Nun will help bring clarity to her calling, but when the conference speaker is murdered, Sister Eve’s two worlds collide.
Sister Eve knows the number one suspect, the victim’s brother and monk in residence, couldn’t possibly have committed the crime, and she’s determined to find the real killer. To do so means she must track down some mysterious newly discovered writings from the Blue Nun, said to date from the 17th Century, when the sister bi-located to the New Mexico region from her home in Spain. Could these texts from long ago be the key to today’s mystery? And will they offer any guidance to Sister Eve as she chooses which calling to follow?


This story is about a very interesting nun who is tracking an interesting nun in history – the Blue Nun. Sister Eve has been on a sabbatical of sorts, spending time with her father.

While at her father’s she assisted him in his Divine Private Detective Agency. Now she’s back at her former monastery trying to decide if she wants to remain a nun.

That decision is interrupted by a murder there. Sister Eve just can’t leave it alone, especially since it involves the Blue Nun. Although everyone tries to persuade Eve to stay out of it and let the professionals handle the case, it draws her in.

She places herself in danger as she tries to help her friend and find the murderer. By the way, the murderer is not who you probably think it is.

This is a very well written book that I couldn’t put down. Also, it led me to do a little research. The Blue Nun did exist and you can read more about her here.

Thank you, Ms Hinton, for introducing me to Sister Eve. Please keep the Divine mysteries coming. I’m ready for the next one. While waiting I plan to read the first two.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Lynne Hinton is the New York Times best-selling author of Friendship Cake and Pie Town. She received an undergraduate degree from UNC Greensboro and a Masters of Divinity from Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley. She has served as a hospice chaplain and church pastor. Lynne is a regular columnist with The Charlotte Observer. She lives with her husband in Albuquerque, NM.

Someone Like You

May 24th, 2016

Someone Like You

By Victoria Bylin

Single mom Julia Dare has a lot on her plate. A brand new Christian, she’s busy trying to run her own business, spend time with her widowed mother, and raise her young son, Max, despite his father’s less-than-ideal influence on him. When a big account from her event-planning business sends her to the Caliente Springs resort, she’s shocked to come face-to-face with Zeke Monroe, the resort’s general manager and her college sweetheart.
With his faith in tatters, Zeke Monroe is determined to keep the historic Caliente Springs resort running despite financial difficulties. But when Julia walks back into his life, he can’t ignore the feelings she stirs up. As they work together on an important client’s dream wedding, the fate of the resort soon depends on their success. When Zeke and Julia are pushed to their limits both personally and professionally, will their history put up walls between them or bring them together?


Being a single mother is not easy. Especially when the the mother is a new Christian and the child’s father is promoting other than a Christian set of values.

Julia, who has an event planning business, checks out the Caliente Springs resort as a possible location for an event. There she runs into Zeke, her old sweetheart.

Zeke has problems of his own. Mainly trying to keep the resort from falling apart on a limited budget.

The two partner in planning a big wedding which will hopefully help both the resort and Julia’s business.

Will sparks once again fly between the two or will Julia’s ex take down Julia and the resort?

Thank you, Ms Bylin, for this novel. I enjoyed it very much and look forward to reading your next book.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Victoria Bylin writes contemporary and historical romances known for their realistic, relatable characters. Her work has finaled in contests such as the Carol Awards, the RITAs, and the RT Reviewers’ Choice Award. A native of California, she and her husband now make their home in Lexington, Kentucky.

A Daughter’s Dream

May 24th, 2016

A Daughter’s Dream

By Shelley Shepard Gray

In Shelley Shepard Gray’s second book in her Charmed Amish Life series, a young teacher and farmer discover they have much in common, especially when it comes to healing old wounds from the past . . . and finding love in one another
Rebecca Kinsinger has always dreamed of being a teacher. But when she’s given the opportunity she’s been waiting for at Charm Amish School, she’s dismayed to discover that teaching is hard work
—work she’s afraid she’s not very good at.
That is, until Lilly Yoder joins the class. A thirteen-year old who’s just lost her parents, Lilly is in need of someone like Rebecca. For the first time since starting her new job, Rebecca feels a sense of purpose. But when she meets Lilly’s uncle, Jacob, his good looks and sweet, easy-going temperament are hard to ignore. How can she even entertain romantic thoughts of Jacob when his niece is her student?
Suddenly becoming Lily’s sole caregiver, Jacob Yoder never thought he’d be a single parent—or a farmer. Having been living in Florida as a carpenter, Jacob feels more at home wielding a hammer than a backhoe. The only bright spot in his life is Rebecca Kinsinger. As Lily and Rebecca develop a bond, Jacob’s fondness for the pretty teacher grows, too.
But when a fateful accident brings them together, Rebecca and Jacob must choose between duty and desire. Will they follow the path before them? Or set out to find true happiness . . . and true love?


This book brings us back to Charm and characters we met in A Son’s Vow. Here we are intoduced to secret dreams of Rebecca Kinsinger and Jacob Yoder.

These two work hard at what has become expected of them even though they realize they just don’t fit with the perceived expectations of others.

They work hard at meeting these expectations, but increasingly unhappy. Will they finally stand up and pursue their own secret dreams either individually or together?

This is a good stand alone read, but reading A Son’s Vow will give you background on some of the4 characters. Thank you Shelley, for giving us a peek into Amish hearts.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Shelley Shepard Gray is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time HOLT Medallion winner. She lives in southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.

A Daughter’s Dream Giveaway

May 24th, 2016


You can enter this giveaway here.

Someone Like You Giveaway

May 22nd, 2016


Go here to enter.

A Cloud of Witnesses

May 21st, 2016


Therefore, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also get rid of every weight and entangling sin. Let us run with endurance the race set before us,

focusing on Yeshua, the initiator and protector of faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, disregarding its shame; and He has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1, 2