Scorched Earth

September 13th, 2016


Scorched Earth
Restoring America after Obama
By Michael Savage

New York Times bestselling author Michael Savage reveals why we have a damaged political system and what we can now do to nurse the country back to health.

Top radio broadcaster Michael Savage is steaming mad about the past eight years. He diagnosed a retrovirus in the White House, and the last Presidential term has infected the body politic with hateful, anti-American views and the nation with destructive ideas. According to Savage, the entire Democratic Party, plus many Republicans, has been invaded by these ideas—they repeat them over and over to the detriment of the United States. And the worst part: it is very difficult to detect citizens have been infected until it’s too late. This virus may force us to learn to live with our currently contaminated political system indefinitely.

Savage gives readers a much needed call-to-action in order to put the government and country back in good health.


This non-fiction book is as exciting as any novel I’ve read. I just couldn’t put it down. Everything he says is right on the money.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Our nation is a mess right now. This is our hope.

Mr. Savage lays it all out. What wee have now and how we can overcome it.

This book was my introduction to Mr. Savage. I will continue to read and listen to him. This man has both courage and insight.

***A special thank you to Caanan Byrd who provided a copy at no charge.***


Dr. Michael Savage is a multimedia icon in the conservative movement. The Telegraph in the U.K. ranked Michael Savage as one of the most influential conservatives in the United States, and with ten million weekly listeners, the Berkeley Ph.D. is the third most listened-to conservative talk-show host. Recently featured in The New Yorker and Playboy, Dr. Savage is the author of twenty-five books, including four New York Times bestsellers. His media presence and profile earned him the coveted Freedom of Speech Award from Talkers magazine in 2007.

Dr. Savage holds a master’s degree in medical botany and a second in medical anthropology. Additionally, he earned his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in epidemiology and nutrition sciences. He is an ardent conservationist, is dedicated to his family, and is a proud patriot of his country.

Never Forget

September 11th, 2016



I remember it as if it were yesterday.


September 10th, 2016


In the same way, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way. Though they are weaker partners, honor them as equal heirs of the grace of life. In this way, your prayers will not be hindered.

1 Peter: 7

A Gathering in Hope

September 7th, 2016

A Gathering in Hope


By Philip Gulley

Thanks to an unexpected windfall, Sam Gardner’s congregation (with the exception of a few malcontents) is eager to expand their meetinghouse. But before building can commence, the County Environmental Board and the Department of Natural Resources put the quietus on the plan.

A colony of endangered Indiana bats have made the tree beside the meetinghouse, and the meetinghouse attic, their place of hanging, mating, and living, which poses a big problem for the congregation. Aside from the fact that their fanged visitors are engaging in sinful acts on church property, until these bats leave for hibernation, Hope Friends Meeting is left without a gathering place. And when an over-zealous Leonard Fink takes matters into his own hands, he may even land himself–and Sam–in jail.


More excitement in the small town of Hope. Why is it always the peace loving Friends who seem to stir up the trouble?

It’s always a pleasure to visit pastor Sam Gardner and his lovely wife, but someone has bats in the belfry. That can be a mess.

Especially if bat poop, an evangelist, a tandem bike, parents moving in, a huge inheritance and a DNR woman are in the mix.

Don’t ask. Just read.

I’m already looking forward to the next Hope book. Thank you, Mr. Gulley. This former small town Hoosier wishes she lived in Hope at the same time as Sam’s congregation.

***A special thank you to Caanan Byrd for providing a copy.***


Phil Gulley is a pastor at Fairfield Friends Meeting in Camby, Indiana, near Indianapolis. He lives in the nearby town of Danville with his wife Joan and their two dogs, Ruby and Jack. They have two sons, and one granddaughter, Madeline, who rules the roost.

Finding Father Christmas & Engaging Father Christmas

September 7th, 2016

Finding Father Christmas & Engaging Father Christmas

by Robin Jones Gunn

By beloved author Robin Jones Gunn, two timeless, heartwarming Christmas novellas bound together for the first time in an omnibus edition.

In FINDING FATHER CHRISTMAS, Miranda Carson’s search for her father leads her unexpectedly to London with only a few feeble clues as to who he might be. Immediately welcomed into a family that doesn’t recognize her, and whom she’s quickly coming to love, she faces a terrible decision. Should she reveal her true identity and destroy their idyllic image of her father? Or should she carry the truth home with her to San Francisco and remain alone in this world? Whatever choice she makes during this London Christmas will forever change the future for both herself and the family she can’t bear to leave.

In ENGAGING FATHER CHRISTMAS Miranda Carson can’t wait to return to England for Christmas and to be with her boyfriend, Ian. She has spent a lifetime yearning for a place to call home, and she’s sure Carlton Heath will be it, especially when a hinted-at engagement ring slips into the conversation. But Miranda’s high hopes for a jolly Christmas with the small circle of people she has come to love are toppled when Ian’s father is hospitalized and the matriarch of the Whitcombe family withholds her blessing from Miranda. Questions run rampant in Miranda’s mind about whether she really belongs in this cheery corner of the world. Then, when her true identity threatens all her relationships in unanticipated ways, Miranda is certain all is lost. And yet . . . maybe Father Christmas has special gifts in store for her after all.


This book is a double delight that will make you fall in love with Father Christmas.

In FINDING FATHER CHRISTMAS Miranda is on a journey to find out more about her heritage. After both her mother and “aunt” died, she goes on a search for her father. Her only clue is a photography studio name stamped on the back of an old photo.

She ends up in a quaint little tea room in Carlton Heath, England after finding out that the studio is defunct.Thanks to the owner she ends up at a Christmas play and party which lead to the discovery of her father’s identity. Now the decision as to whether to reveal her identity or not has to be made.

Miranda’s story continues in ENGAGING FATHER CHRISTMAS. If I say any more about this book I might give away the plot. Just know that I can’t get enough of Father Christmas.

***A special thank you to Canaan Byrd of Hachett Book Group for providing a review copy.***


Robin Jones Gunn has written 82 books over the past 25 years, with almost 4.5 million copies sold worldwide. She received a Christy Award for her novel Sisterchicks in Gondolas, and speaks at events around the US and Canada as well as in South America, Africa, Europe, and Australia.

Janine Mendenhall’s ‘Starving Hearts’ Prize Pack Giveaway

September 7th, 2016

Will Annette’s search for love and acceptance replace the loss and hurt in her heart? Find out in Janine Mendenhall’s book one, Starving Hearts, of the Triangular Trade Trilogy. Since her assault, Miss Annette Chetwynd has been plagued by nightmares and worries about an arranged marriage. But she yearns to find her anonymous rescuer. Unfortunately, her health and intellect prevent it. Both repel suitors and cause Annette to doubt God’s existence, at least until He answers her prayers in an unusual way. . . .

Join in the search for love and acceptance with Janine and Starving Hearts by entering to win the Delightful Heart Gift Pack Giveaway.

starving hearts - 400

One grand prize winner will receive:

starving hearts - collage

Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on September 12. The winner will be announced September 13 on Janine’s blog.

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Starving Hearts

September 6th, 2016

Starving Hearts


By Janine Mendenhall

When a chance encounter leads to love, can Annette and Peter overcome the odds or will they be forever separated?

Since her assault, Miss Annette Chetwynd has been plagued by nightmares and worries about an arranged marriage. But she yearns to find her anonymous rescuer. Unfortunately, her health and intellect prevent it. Both repel suitors and cause Annette to doubt God’s existence, at least until He answers her prayers in an unusual way. . . .

Mr. Peter Adsley is joining the clergy, and he desires a godly wife by his side. After a failed attempt to obtain one, he engages in a clandestine meeting with the bewitching young woman who keeps crossing his path. But she is so unsettling.

Destined for disappointments, Peter and Annette both endure disgraceful situations. Will Peter’s faith sustain him through overwhelming setbacks? Can Annette overcome her doubts? Or will their starving hearts yield to the machinations of a mad man?


Three starving hearts (one is also a cruel nut job). After being assaulted Annette spent years dealing with nightmares. Now her mother is trying to force her into an arranged marriage to the very man who assaulted her.

Peter planned to ask his lady love to marry him, but his brother beat him to the punch. His plans to pastor a church with a wife in hand definitely seemed bleak. Would he be accepted as a single pastor?

Then there is the villainous Sir Likebridge. His heart is starved of human decency.

Secrets and undercurrents abound in this book. Sometimes I thought I knew what would probably happen next. I didn’t.

Thank you so much, Ms Mendenhall, for holding my attention so tightly that I didn’t want to lay down this book. I’m looking forward to Book 2 of the Triangular Trade Trilogy, Never Past Hope. By the way, on the last page there’s a little gift for you from the author.

***A special thank you to litfuse who provided a review copy.***


By day, Janine Mendenhall teaches English and is a high school counselor. By night, when normal people are asleep, she writes or watches historical romance movies like Pride and Prejudice and claims that’s “research.” At eight, Janine got hooked on “happily ever after” while watching Beauty and the Beast starring George C. Scott. Visit her here, and you’ll find the exact scene she held in her mind’s eye for thirty-nine years until she recently located it on YouTube.

September 5th, 2016

National Grilling Day

September 6th, 2010. Rerun

Happy National Grilling Day, aka Labor Day.  This day no longer commemorates anything except the obsession of a large majority of Americans gathering together around the family grill.  Enjoy your day and have a burger for me.

There’s no grill on the island, but I think I’ll have to import one next spring.  I do miss the flavor of food cooked out on the grill.



This year I think we need to do more than just try to escape labor for a day. It’s time to seriously think about our country and the freedoms we have been losing. Let’s focus on patriotism and love for our nation.


September 3rd, 2016


Likewise, wives, be submitted to your own husbands so that – even if some do obey the message – by the wives ‘ conduct, without a word they may be won over

as they observe your pure, reverent conduct.

1 Peter 3:1-2

You Have Been Called

August 27th, 2016


For you were called to this, because Messiah also suffered for you, leaving you an example so you might follow in His footsteps:

“He committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth.”

When He was abused, He did not return the abuse. While suffering, He made no threats. Instead, He kept entrusting Himself to the One who judges righteously.

He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we, removed from sins, might live for righteousness. “By His wounds you were healed.”

For you like sheep were going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.

1 Peter 2:21-25