Until My Name Is Known

September 1st, 2015

Until My Name Is Known

By Sonya Contreras

The Exodus of the Jews from Egypt is a love story between God and His people. God woos His people to Himself as He prepares them to leave. Before leaving, God must fight Pharaoh for possession of His people. See how God changes all people: some for the better, others not. None stay the same. How will He change you? Can you trust a God Who destroyed a nation before your eyes? Would you want Him as your Friend?

See God free His people from Egypt’s bonds before a watching world. Trace His Finger in the lives He touches. The time: 2450 BC. The Place: Old Kingdom of Egypt where Pharaoh is god. His people worship him. Israel’s God arrives. He challenges Pharaoh. His power touches all people. They must change. Some do not concede. They suffer. Others yield. They find freedom.

Until My Name Is Known brings all to see the one true God. Read it to see Him. Today’s historians and archaeologists puzzle over the fall of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, But the world at that time heard of God. The world knew that He is the Lord. His Name was proclaimed in all the earth.


The story of Moses confronting Pharaoh and leading the Jews out of Egypt is a story most of us know. But like all historical fiction, it always teaches me something new.

This book brought my focus primarily onto Moses. How must he and his family have felt during this time. Prior to this book, I focused on Pharaoh’s hardened heart and how he allowed his people to suffer, because he refused to let the Jews leave.

In the end Pharaoh loses big time. Ms Contreras also brought insight into just how the suffering of the Egyptians might have played out. I’m looking forward to the second book of the Tell of My Kingdom’s Glory series.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Growing up with five sisters, Sonya Contreras asked God many questions, even when she did not like His answers. Graduating from Cedarville University and Institute for Creation Research with a Masters Degree in Science Education did not stop her questions. Marrying her best friend and homeschooling their eight sons, she found that dreams do come true, in spite of unanswered questions.

Find Sonya online: website

Watchman on the Tower

August 27th, 2015

Are we living in Babylon? We are in the messiest of times right now. I believe Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is truly a modern day prophet. Please prayerfully watch this video and share it with others. Consider reading Mr. Cahn’s books The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah. If you want to read only one, The Mystery of the Shemitah is the one to read.

Through Waters Deep

August 22nd, 2015

Through Waters Deep


By Sarah Sundin

War is coming. Can love carry them through the rough waters that lie ahead?

It is 1941 and America teeters on the brink of war. Handsome and outgoing naval officer Ensign Jim Avery escorts British convoys across the North Atlantic in a brand-new destroyer, the USS Atwood. On shore, Jim encounters Mary Stirling, a childhood friend who is now an astute and beautiful Boston Navy Yard secretary.

When evidence of sabotage on the Atwood is discovered, Jim and Mary must work together to uncover the culprit. A bewildering maze of suspects emerges, and Mary is dismayed to find that even someone close to her is under suspicion. With the increasing pressure, Jim and Mary find that many new challenges–and dangers–await them.


Jim and Mary haven’t seen each other since they were childhood friends. That was when he was not so secretly in love with the beautiful Quintessa. Now they’re both spending time in Boston at the Boston Navy Yard – she as a secretary and he as an ensign.

They pal around a lot and Mary’s feelings begin to be more than friendship. Maybe Jim is beginning to feel the same way. Of course, neither bothers to say anything about these new feelings.

In the meantime there’s plenty of intrigue and sabotage putting both their lives in danger. As they work to discover who’s behind it all, the danger only intensifies.

Top this off with Quintessa’s move to Boston in order to snag Jim. It looks as if once again Mary is ending up on the outside.

As usual, Ms Sundin, you had me on the edge of my seat, unwilling to lay down this book until I finished reading it. I’m really looking forward to the next book in your Waves of Freedom series.

***A special thank you to Revell Books for providing a review copy.***


Sarah Sundin is the award-winning author of the Wings of Glory and Wings of the Nightingale series. During WWII, her grandfather served as a pharmacist’s mate (medic) in the Navy and her great-uncle flew with the US Eighth Air Force in England. Sarah lives in California with her husband and three children. Learn more at www.sarahsundin.com.

Debra Clopton’s New Book and Love at the Reins Giveaway

August 21st, 2015

A new tale of romance, family, and taking risks—don’t miss Debra Clopton’s Counting on a Cowboy! After losing everything she held dear, Abby never wants to love again. But a certain cowboy may just spur her to wonder if love might be worth the risk. As Abby throws herself into helping Bo navigate fatherhood, hope sparks between them, revealing that maybe, just maybe, they can navigate their dark pasts and emerge together into a future as bright as the Texas sun itself.

Saddle up with Debra and her new book and enter to win her Love at the Reins prize pack!

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One grand prize winner will receive:

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Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on September 8th. The winner will be announced September 9th on Debra’s blog.


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Counting on a Cowboy

August 20th, 2015

Counting on a Cowboy


By Debra Clopton

After losing everything dear to her, Abby never wants to love again. But a certain cowboy spurs her to wonder if maybe love is worth the risk.

Running from a past that haunts her, Abby Knightly is drawn to the homey town of Wishing Springs, Texas, after her favorite advice columnist found love and a home there. Maybe this small town could offer hope and healing and a future for Abby too . . . if she’s brave enough to reach out and take it.

Bo Monahan isn’t interested in the new romantic destination his little town has become—or the women who might be looking at him like he’s their next Mr. Right. Between taking care of his Pops and his growing stirrup business, he isn’t looking for serious romantic commitments. But unexpectedly the young child he never knew about appears on his doorstep and Bo’s world is turned upside down.

This confirmed bachelor might not need a wife, but he sure needs a woman . . . and newcomer Abby Knightly is definitely a woman. When she comes to his rescue to help him navigate fatherhood, he slowly uncovers her own history. And suddenly Bo’s thinking maybe, just maybe, together they can help each other work through the problems of the past to create a future of their own.


Abby isn’t interested in a relationship. That’s okay with Bo. Neither is he. Abby relocated to Wishing Springs, Texas after following an advice columnist’s bet with a cowboy. Wishing Springs has become the place to be for women coming to catch a glimpse of a cowboy and maybe something more. Bo detests being on display.

Abby has an accident on her way into town and is rescued by Bo and his brother. Since his steer was the cause of the accident Bo just wants to get her settled at the Sweet Dreams Motel and get her car repaired. Then she’s out of his life.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? We know it’s not going to be that simple. After a little bundle of joy gets dropped off on Bo’s front porch he desperately needs Abby’s help. She helps, but runs any time something starts to look as if either of them have feelings for the other.

Abby knows she’s in love with the little man, but refuses to be in love with the big man. Can he persuade her to take a chance?

Thank you, Ms Clopton, for giving us this cowboy love story. I’m looking forward to Tru’s story.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Debra Clopton is a multi-award winning novelist and has written more than 22 novels. Along with writing, Debra helps her husband teach the youth at their local Cowboy Church. Debra’s goal is to shine a light toward God while she entertains readers with her words.

Find Debra online here.



Irish Meadows

August 19th, 2015

Irish Meadows


By Susan Anne Mason

Faced with an uncertain future, sometimes all you have left is the courage to dream.

Brianna and Colleen O’Leary know their Irish immigrant father expects them to marry well. Recently he’s put even more pressure on them, insinuating that the very future of their Long Island horse farm, Irish Meadows, rests in their ability to land prosperous husbands. Both girls, however, have different visions for their futures.

Brianna, a quiet girl with a quick mind, dreams of attending college. Vivacious Colleen, meanwhile, is happy to marry—as long as her father’s choice meets her exacting standards of the ideal groom. When former stable hand Gilbert Whelan returns from business school and distant relative Rylan Montgomery visits Long Island during his seminary training, the two men quickly complicate everyone’s plans.

As the farm slips ever closer to ruin, James O’Leary grows more desperate. It will take every ounce of courage for both sisters to avoid being pawns in their father’s machinations and instead follow their hearts. And even if they do, will they inevitably find their dreams too distant to reach?


Daddy wants both his daughters to marry well – very well – in order to save his horse farm. Brianna and Coleen have other visions of marriage.

Brianna has long loved the young man brought up in the family as her brother. Besides, she wants to go to college and won’t marry anyone who doesn’t take that seriously. Coleen is looking forward to marrying someone with high social standing and wealth – just not the jerk her father has picked out.

It has become a battle of wills. Will Brianna and Coleen stand their ground or cave in to their father’s demands? Can they really walk away while their father is on the verge of losing everything?

Thank you, Ms Mason. Your debut novel has me wanting more. I’m looking forward to the second book in your Courage to Dream series.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Susan Anne Mason’s debut historical novel, Irish Meadows, won the Fiction from the Heartland contest from the Mid-American Romance Authors Chapter of RWA. A member of ACFW, as well, she lives outside of Toronto, Ontario, with her husband and two children.

You can find Susan online here.

Hope Harbor

August 10th, 2015

Hope Harbor


By Irene Hannon

Tracy Campbell never wanted to leave Hope Harbor, Oregon, or the idyllic three-generation cranberry farm where she grew up. But life–and love–altered her plans. Now she’s home again–with a floundering farm to run . . . a tragic secret . . . and a wounded heart. Romance is not on her agenda. Nor is it on Michael Hunter’s. The visitor from Chicago has daunting secrets and devastating regrets of his own. But when Tracy recruits him to help with a project that is close to her heart, winds of change begin to sweep through Hope Harbor, bringing healing, hope, and love to countless lives–including their own.


Hope Harbor is truly a place of hope for Tracy Campbell and Michael Hunter. Tracy comes back home to Hope Harbor and Harbor Point Cranberry Farm. Michael came for a quiet time to evaluate his life and goals. Neither of the two are interested in a relationship. They each just want to find some peace.

But they aren’t the only ones in the little community who have found peace to be elusive. Who would have thought that a taco stand proprietor would be the one to get things rolling.

Ms Hannon has done a fine job as she portrays these characters and the gentle unfolding of the happiness they thought was beyond their reach. When I think of Ms Hannon’s books, I think suspense, but her talent spans genres. Thank you, Ms Hannon, for this heart touching book.

***A special thank you to Revell for providing a review copy.***


Irene Hannon is the bestselling author of more than forty-five romantic suspense and contemporary romance/women’s fiction novels, including the Heroes of Quantico, Guardians of Justice, and Private Justice series, along with That Certain Summer and One Perfect Spring. Her books have garnered dozens of honors, including two coveted RITA Awards from Romance Writers of America. She is also a two-time Christy Award finalist.

Permanent Vacancy

August 6th, 2015

Permanent Vacancy


By Katie Lee


When Gretchen Bauer begins renovating an old Victorian house to turn it into a bed-and-breakfast, she barely escapes several dangerous “accidents” at her home. Colm McCrae, host of the home improvement TV show helping her renovate, refuses to believe these aren’t on purpose. Could this be a harmful ploy by his boss to boost ratings? Yet with Colm’s Irish brogue and handsome face, Gretchen wonders whether he could be involved. But with a whole town full of neighbors disgruntled about the inn bringing strangers to their shores, Gretchen has a list of more likely suspects. Now she must trust Colm if she wants to keep her new business venture from turning into a five-star death trap.


It’s good to return to Stepping Stones and revisit some of the inhabitants in more depth.

Gretchen is renovating an old house with plans to turn it into a bed and breakfast. But it’s not going along very easily. Some of the town’s citizens are against bringing in more tourists to the island.

Eventually too many “accidents” build up and a person has to wonder if it’s just sabotage or does someone want Gretchen dead. Either way, she’s in lots of danger.

Who’s doing this? Gretchen begins to suspect nearly everyone – even that charming host of the TV hone improvement show that’s helping with the renovation.

I’m not going to tell you any more of the who, how and why. Just know that when you start reading this book, you’ll probably not put it down until you reach the end. Surprises await you.

Thank you, Katie Lee, for once again putting me on the edge of my seat while on this lovely island. If it were warmer up there, I’d want to move to Stepping Stones.

***A special thank you to the author for providing a review copy.***


Katy Lee writes suspenseful romances that thrill and inspire. She believes every story should stir and satisfy the reader–from the edge of their seat. A native New Englander, Katy loves to knit warm wooly things. She enjoys traveling the side-roads and exploring the locals’ hideaways. A homeschooling mom of three competitive swimmers, Katy often writes from the stands while cheering them on. Visit Katy at: www.KatyLeeBooks.com.

A Bride at Last

August 4th, 2015

A Bride at Last


By M?elissa Jagears

Abandoned by his mail-order bride, Silas Jonesey has fought an uphill battle to recover from a pattern of poor choices. Now his prayers for reconciliation have finally come true and his estranged wife has contacted him with her whereabouts.

Kate Dawson was supposed to be a mail-order bride, but upon realizing she’d been deceived about her intended groom, she’s now settled into life as a schoolteacher. When the mother of a student passes away, Kate assumes she’ll take on care of nine-year-old Anthony—until two men suddenly show up in town, claiming to be the boy’s father.

Silas can see Anthony loves Kate, so he enlists her help in reaching out to the boy and attempting to prove his paternity to the court. When a common interest in Anthony leads to an interest in each other and Silas and Kate begin to think they can overcome their rocky start, neither is prepared for the secrets and past hurts that have yet to come to light. Can Silas, Kate, and Anthony’s wounded souls bind them together or will all that stands between them leave them lonely forever?


Had Silas made a mess of his life? He couldn’t even hold onto his mail order bride. Life with Silas just wasn’t as good as Lucinda thought it should be, so she ran away. Life on her own with a small son wasn’t all it was cracked up to be either. In the end she had to depend on the kindness of others.

Then came a battle over the boy. Two men and a schoolteacher wanted custody of Anthony. It’s all too much for him, so he runs away. Now it becomes a race against time and the need to prove parentage to the judge.

When and where will they find Anthony? Does anyone really care about what a child wants?

Thank you, Ms Jagears, for this really good read. What do you have in store for us next?

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Much to her introverted self’s delight, Melissa Jagears hardly needs to leave her home to be a homeschool teacher, day-care provider, church financial secretary, and historical romance novelist. She doesn’t have to leave her house to be a housekeeper either, but she’s doubtful she meets the minimum qualifications to claim to be one in her official bio. Her passion is to help Christian believers mature in their faith and judge rightly.

Find Melissa online here.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

August 4th, 2015

Crazy Little Thing Called Love


By Beth K. Vogt

Wedding bells and storm clouds collide in the first engaging novel in a brand-new series about destination weddings, the power of love, and the possible mishaps and missteps that happen on a couple’s journey down the aisle to “I do.”

Paramedic Vanessa Hollister has put her adolescence behind her, including the unwanted label of being the new kid in town over and over again, thanks to her father’s military career. She’s overcome what her mother called “the biggest mistake of her life” and is planning an elegant destination wedding in Destin, Florida with her new fiancé. But will the reappearance of her first husband from her what-were-you-thinking teenage elopement disrupt her dream of an idyllic beach wedding?

As a professional storm chaser, Logan Hollister is used to taking risks. However, a reckless decision during the last tornado season has him questioning the future of his team, the Stormmeisters. Coming face to face with his ex-wife eight years after their divorce compels him to confront his greatest regret: losing Vanessa. Does their past give him the right to interfere with her future?

A fast-moving, powerful hurricane throws Vanessa and Logan together as they evacuate to a storm shelter along with other residents of the Florida Gulf Coast. Forced to spend time together, the pair battles unexpected renewed feelings for each other.

Vanessa and Logan are faced with a choice: Should they accept, once and for all, their teenage marital mistake? Or is God offering them a second chance at happily ever after?


Vanessa’s fiance’ Ted has talked her into planning a Florida destination wedding. Alwys practical and efficient, he plans to include attending a medical seminar to further his career as an ER doc. Doesn’t Vanessa yearn for a little more romance than that?

Then Ted gets the bright idea for Vanessa to take some time off from her job and fly down to Florida to make all the arrangements in person. Vanessa is less than thrilled. The seminar location is her old stomping grounds where she left a lot of memories.

Well, Vanessa went after a detour to Montana first. When she finally made it to Florida she indeed was hit with unhappy memories of her past mistakes. This was going to be a difficult trip.

Be sure you have a box of tissues handy. I think it was about chapter 28 that I started crying, and cried all the way to the end.

Thank you, Ms Vogt.It’s been a long time since I’ve read a book that touched my heart as much as this one.

***A special thank you to litfuse for providing a review copy.***


Beth K. Vogt believes God’s best often waits behind the doors marked “Never.” A 2015 RITA® Finalist and a 2014 Carol Award finalist, Beth is a contemporary romance novelist with Howard Books. Her 2014 novel, Somebody Like You, was one of Publisher’s Weekly’s Best Books of 2014. In 2015 she introduced her destination wedding series with both an e-novella, Can’t Buy Me Love, (May) and a novel, Crazy Little Thing Called Love (June).