National Grilling Day

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

First posted September 6, 2010 Happy National Grilling Day, aka Labor Day. This day no longer commemorates anything except the obsession of a large majority of Americans gathering together around the family grill. Enjoy your day and have a burger for me. There’s no grill on the island, but I think I’ll have to import […]

Pieces on Earth

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Pieces on Earth By Cathy Bryant As a young mother and wife of a naval aviator in sunny Pensacola, Florida, Liv Tulley eagerly anticipates the first Christmas in several years with her husband, daughter, and extended family. Then her husband is unexpectedly deployed for an undetermined amount of time, smashing her white Christmas dreams. She’s […]

Everyday Confetti

Saturday, January 11th, 2014

Everyday Confetti By Karen Ehman & Glynnis Whitwer Got a calendar packed with reasons to celebrate but a brain that lacks ideas? Special people you want to love on but limited time to do it? Relax. We’ve got you covered. Everyday Confetti is your go-to guide to making holidays, birthdays, special events, and even the […]

Where Is the Dream?

Monday, January 17th, 2011

It’s disappearing along with the family values, the marriage and the fathers.  It’s disappearing as the unborn children are murdered for the sake of convenience.  It’s disappearing along with the work ethic and life centered around the church and our Creator. Martin’s dream is being replaced by feelings of entitlement and the victim mentality. ” Poor […]

National Grilling Day

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Happy National Grilling Day, aka Labor Day.  This day no longer commemorates anything except the obsession of a large majority of Americans gathering together around the family grill.  Enjoy your day and have a burger for me.  There’s no grill on the island, but I think I’ll have to import one next spring.  I do […]