Travel by Car or Fly?

December 4th, 2008. Filed under: Thursday's Travels.

The automakers decided to travel by car to Washington this week to beg for their handout.  That’s much better than the mode of travel used a couple weeks ago when they arrogantly flew in by private jet.  That sent the message that they expected us to buy one of their cars for our traveling, but that they were above that.  (Pun not intended, but applicable.)  Of course, this week they upped their request from $25 billion to $34 billion. 

The UAW also condescended to make “major concessions”.  They are willing to sacrifice job security provisions and financing for retiree health care to keep the two most troubled car companies of the Big Three, General Motors and Chrysler, out of bankruptcy.  I think most of us out here watching this fiasco wonder why they can’t cut the $70 hourly wage.  A heck of a lot of us work harder for much less money.  If they can’t do a better job of getting their house in order, why do they expect us to support their wasteful habits? 

This bailout is getting way out of hand.  There are too many hands out asking for the government to pay (that means us and our tax money, people) for their irresponsibility over the years.  American automobile manufacturers should have taken a hard look at how other companies can built excellent cars in the United States at a much more reasonable cost.  Not only do they employ Americans, they provide well built cars which don’t cost a week’s paycheck for a fill up. 

Many people would prefer to see the big three go into bankruptcy and come out better reorganized so that they can make us proud to drive one of their cars.  You can read more about this in the New York Times.

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