Middle Eastern Mud Slinging

April 23rd, 2008. Filed under: Wednesday's Wonders.

There’s a lot of that going on lately.  At least, that’s what it looks like in my shower.  A coworker brought gifts of mud soap back from his holiday in the middle east.  I finally got up the nerve to bathe in my mud.  I opened the package and looked at it for awhile, wondering what I thought mud soap would look like.  Well, duh!  It looks like a cake of black mud.  It also leaves the bottom of your shower muddy.  Well, maybe not muddy, but it does leave a black residue.  It kind of reminds you of the black soap scum left behind after giving a passel of dirty kids a bath in the same tub – only without the scum part. 

I looked up mud soap and it appears that most of the good mud comes from countries in the middle east.  The Dead Sea must have some really great mud, as this is where it appears most mud soaps originate.  But it’s not the only mud that’s supposed to enhance your beauty.  Some mud soaps come from glacier or volcano mud.  There must be a heck of a lot of profit made from mud.  If you do a Google search on mud soap, you can make those o’s stretch out all the way across the page.  I stopped with 19 pages, so I don’t know just how much mud there really is out there.  I’ve not had any comments about how much my beauty has increased since I started using my mud soap, so I can’t tell you how much it really works.  I can’t even tell you how well it cleans since I can’t tell the body dirt from the mud soap in the bottom of my shower.  But I can tell you it’s not as much fun as getting all mud covered when you’re a kid.  I can still close my eyes and feel that nice, cool, slick mud squishing up between the toes of my bare feet.  I hope it rains soon so I can go out barefoot and play in the puddles and mud!

2 Responses to Middle Eastern Mud Slinging

  1. sunnyislandbreezes.com » Blog Archive » Does It Work In May?

    […] to review this product. I wonder if I should try using some in my shower to clean up some of that Middle Eastern mud.  I wonder if Chester Labs would like to send me some of their other products to try?  Hmmm, I […]

  2. Pamela

    “I can’t even tell you how well it cleans since I can’t tell the body dirt from the mud soap in the bottom of my shower.”

    The above made me laugh out loud.
    I could just feel the warm gray-black mud squishing up between my toes when we played down by the river!

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