Russian Version of Ten Commandments for Nations

June 11th, 2009. Filed under: Thursday's Travels.

Today we travel to Russia to see their ten commandments for Nations.  After acknowledging the fact that Moses gave us the Ten Commandments to guide our personal lives 3000 years ago, the writer gives us his version geared to the nations of the world.  

                 1. Thou shalt not kill nations

                 2. Thou shalt not steal from nations

                 3.Thou shalt not bear false witness against nations

                 4. Thou shalt not take advantage of weaker nations

                 5. Thou shalt not ignore the suffering of nations

                 6. Thou shalt not dishonor the father and mother of nations

                 7. Thou shalt not interfere in the affairs of other nations

                 8. Thou shalt not put patriotism above morality

                 9. Thou shalt not disrespect the gods of other nations

               10. Thou shalt not act as a superpower in a community of nations

You can see the explanations for these commandments here.

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